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Tema: Den globaliseringskritiske bevægelse

Se også: Se også: Globalisering; IMF, VB, WTO, G8; Seattle 1999; Prag 2000; Göteborg 2001; Genoa 2001; København 2002 (EU-topmøde); Evian 2003; Social Forum-bevægelsen (int.); Social Forum-bevægelsen (DK); Attac

Den globaliseringskritiske bevægelse
Se også: Globalisering; IMF, VB, WTO, G8; Seattle 1999; Prag 2000; Göteborg 2001; Genoa 2001; København 2002 (EU-topmøde); Evian 2003; Social Forum-bevægelsen (int.); Social Forum-bevægelsen (DK); Attac
Judith Orr + Sally Campbell: Interview: The corporate seduction of feminism
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 18
Note: Socialist feminist and US academic Hester Eisenstein spoke to Sally Campbell and Judith Orr about her book, Feminism Seduced, and the challenges facing the women's movement in the US and worldwide.
Raj Patel: Opinion: One, two, a thousand Seattles
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 21
Note: On the tenth anniversary of the Seattle protests the temptations and opportunities to misremember them were legion.
Jonathan Maunder: Radical thinkers today: What force can solve Zizek’s antagonism?
Socialist Worker nr. 2179, nov 09 – side 6
Note: In our final column Jonathan Maunder looks at the ideas and limitations of Slavoj Zizek.
Alex Callinicos: The 1999 Seattle protests gave birth to a global movement
Socialist Worker nr. 2179, nov 09 – side 9
Note: Ten years ago, on 30 November 1999, like a lightning flash in an empty sky, the World Trade Organisation summit in Seattle was paralysed by mass protests. Trade unionists, and environmental and debt campaigners came together to expose the damaging effects of the drive for free trade.
Genoplev G8-protesterne i Rostock
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 276, feb 08 – side 13
Note: ATTAC i Tyskland har med en ny bogudgivelse sørget for, at demonstrationerne i Rostock i sommeren 2007 kan genopleves.
Chris Nineham + Alex Callinicos: At an impasse? Anti-capitalism and the social forums today
International Socialism Journal nr. 115, jul 07 – side 87
Note: The international movement against capitalist globalisation has been globally visible for nearly a decade now. The culmination was the enormous demonstrations against the war in Iraq between February and April 2003. Subsequently, however, there has not been the same forward impetus. Indeed, increasingly centrifugal pressures and even a degree of disarray have become evident.
Alex Callinicos: Alternatives to Neo-liberalism
Socialist Review nr. 308, jul 06 – side 10
Note: Advocates of the free market constantly repeat the refrain that 'there is no alternative'. Alex Callinicos believes that for the movement to be able to answer this claim, it needs to reassert the viability of democratic planning.
Chris Nineham: Book Review: Future Perfect?
Socialist Review nr. 308, jul 06 – side 27
Note: 'Realizing Hope', Michael Albert, Zed Books £14.99
In this new book Michael Albert develops his ideas about what a liberated "good" society might look like, outlined previously in his book Parecon (short for "participatory economics"). This time he moves beyond economics to speculate about wide areas of everyday life. He goes deeper into the first principles of his thinking.
Chris Nineham: Anti-capitalism, social forums and the return of politics
International Socialism Journal nr. 109, dec 05 – side 91
Note: Six years after its coming out party at Seattle, the anti-capitalist movement faces its biggest challenges yet.
Chris Harman: Anti-capitalism five years after Seattle: Spontaneity, strategy and politics
International Socialism Journal nr. 104, sep 04 – side 3
Note: Seattle, Porto Alegre. Gothenberg, Genoa, Barcelona, Florence, 15 February 2003, Paris, Mumbai and now London. The anticapitalist movement born just five years ago has merged into the antiwar movement to produce some of the biggest protests the world has ever seen. And in Latin America, mass upsurges have shaken the system in Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela, and Bolivia. But the very growth of the movement has thrown up new problems and resurrected very old arguments about strategy. Chris Harman looks at these and challenges those who believe revolutionary organisation is neither necessary nor desirable.
Klaus B. Jensen: Modstand og alternativer – for global retfærdighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 226, mar 04 – side 6
Note: Lokale antikapitalistiske grupper i Odense, Aalborg, RUC
Europas Sociale Forum – en anden verden er mulig: Udtalelse fra forsamlingen af aktivster og sociale bevægelser
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 7
Note: Vi kommer fra de sociale bevægelser i alle dele af Europa, fra øst til vest, og fra nord til syd ... Vi er mange og forskellige, det er det, der er vores styrke …
En anden versen er mulig: WSF i Mumbai
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 10
Note: Fra den 16. til den 21. januar 2004 afholdes Verdens Sociale Forum i den indiske by Mumbai.
Jakob Nerup: Social Forum i København og Paris: En anden verden er mulig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 219, okt 03 – side 6
Note: De var der i Cancun til WTOs sammenbrud. De var i Evian til G-8 landenes topmøde. De er der over hele verden. Og nu også i Danmark. Bevægelsen mod nyliberalistisk globalisering, den anti-kapitalistiske bevægelse, den sociale bevægelse.
Alex Callinicos: ESF: Diskussioner på vejen til Paris
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 219, okt 03 – side 7
Note: Lige så længe jeg kan huske har folk sagt, at venstrefløjen må samles på europæisk niveau for at kunne modsvare EU. I mange år var det tom snak. Men nu er det ved at ske.
Socialist Worker (UK): Interview med Olivier Besancenot om mobiliseringen til ESF: De bliver en stor begivenhed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 219, okt 03 – side 7
Note: Olivier Besancenot er en ung fransk postarbejder, der chokerede det etablerede samfund ved at få 1,2 millioner stemmer ved sidste års præsidentvalg.
Jakob Nerup: George Mobiot: “The Age of Consent – A Manifesto for a New World Order”: Det afhænger af dig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 218, sep 03 – side 9
Note: “Alt er blevet globaliseret, undtagen vores accept. Vores opgave er helt sikkert ikke at omstyrte globaliseringen, men at erobre den, og bruge den som motor for menneskehedens første globale demokratiske revolution.”
James Meadway: Life after capitalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 100, sep 03 – side 113
Note: Book reviews include James Meadway on four attempts to answer the question the anti-capitalist movement has set itself – 'We know what we are against, but what are we for?' He compares the alternative visions for reorganising society proposed in Parecon, Reclaim the State, The Age of Consent and An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto.
Mike Gonzalez: Crying out for revolution (John Holloway: "Change the World Without Taking Power: The Meaning of Revolution Today")
International Socialism Journal nr. 99, jun 03 – side 133
Jan Hoby: Boganmeldelse: En vision der holder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 213, apr 03 – side 8
Note: Michael Albert: PARECON – Life After Capitalism
ASEM: Mobilisér til fire dage mod de multinationales magt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 206, sep 02 – side 5
Note: D. 22.-23. september mødes statsledere fra Asien og Europa i København sammen med cheferne for de store multinationale selskaber til det fjerde såkaldte ASEM-topmøde (Asia Europe Meeting).
Kasper Sinding Meyer: 12.000 demonstranter mod Verdensbanken i Oslo
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 205, aug 02 – side 2
Note: ”Vår verden er ikke til salgs.”
Gareth Jenkins: (News Review:) Civil Liberties: The big brother house in Westminster
Socialist Review nr. 265, jul 02 – side 5
Luciano Muhlbauer: Anti-capitalism: The agents of change
Socialist Review nr. 264, jun 02 – side 16
Note: Luciano Muhlbauer invites you to join thousands of others at the European Social Forum in Florence later this year
Konference i Paris: Nej til privatisering – stop GATS
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 203, maj 02 – side 10
Note: Den 12. april samledes ca. 50 aktivister i Paris til en konference om WTO’s privatiseringsaftale – GATS.
John Rees: The movement erupts: The fight against capital and war
Socialist Review nr. 262, apr 02 – side 8
Note: The anti-capitalist movement is back with a vengeance. John Rees argues that socialist politics are crucial to its success
Alex Callinicos: United Front: Unity in diversity
Socialist Review nr. 262, apr 02 – side 14
Note: The movement against neoliberalism and war must be built, says Alex Callinicos, but so too must the revolutionary Marxist current within it
Barcelona: 600.000 i protest mod nyliberalismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 202, mar 02 – side 6
Note: En halv million demonstrerede i weekenden den 15.-16. marts i Barcelona under EU’s topmøde.
Jim Wolfreys: Pierre Bourdieu: voice of resistance
International Socialism Journal nr. 94, mar 02 – side 97
Jørn Andersen: Krig og antikapitalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 200, jan 02 – side 5
Note: Der gik ikke lang tid efter den 11.9.2001, før den anti-kapitalistiske bevægelse blev dømt død, men virkeligheden har vist, at bevægelsen generelt har formået at knytte an til kampen mod krig og imperialisme, selvom det har skabt problemer.
Chris Harman: France: The wrong attack
Socialist Review nr. 259, jan 02 – side 13
Note: Why has the anti-war movement in France has not matched others?
Alt. url: Socialist Review Index
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Modtopmøde i Beirut
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 199, dec 01 – side 5
Note: I dagene forinden WTOs ministermøde i Doha blev der i Beirut afholdt en modkonference.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Den anti-kapitalistiske bevægelse ‘År 2’
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 199, dec 01 – side 6
Note: En status over, hvor den anti-kapitalistiske bevægelse står efter et år med store demonstrationer i Gøteborg og Genova.
Christian Dalsgaard: Attac: Happening mod ICC-Danmark: Hvem får krummerne fra de riges bord?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 199, dec 01 – side 11
Note: Dette var hovedparolen for happeningen mod ICC-Danmarks årsmiddag, der fandt sted på Børsen torsdag d. 22. november.
Theories of conflict (Interview Luca Casarini, Tute Bianche, & Alex Callinicos, SWP)
Socialist Review nr. 258, dec 01 – side 20
Note: How does the anti-capitalist movement face up to the challenges of war and state repression? Luca Casarini and Alex Callinicos discuss the issues.
Luca Casarini is an Italian activist prominent in the Tute Bianche (white overalls) movement. Alex Callinicos is a leading member of the SWP and professor of politics at York University.
Alt URL: Socialist Review.
København: Protester mod WTO-mødet i Qatar
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 10
Note: I anledning af WTO-mødet var ATTAC’ere fra hele Kbh. på gaden d. 10/11 for at markere modstanden mod WTO og GATS aftalen.
Kalender: Anti-kapitalistiske aktiviteter. Anti-krigs-aktiviteter. ISU-antikrigsseminar
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 11
Boris Kagarlitskij: The road from Genoa
International Socialism Journal nr. 92, sep 01 – side 27
Note: Genoa was the greatest battle of the anti-capitalist movement since its beginning in Seattle in 1999. Russian writer and activist Boris Kagarlitsky argues that the movement now has to look to workers in factory and office if it is to mobilise on a scale that can defeat the might of the state.
Susan George: What now? (Jan 2001)
International Socialism Journal nr. 91, jun 01 – side 3
Note: From the drugs companies' defeat over patenting in South Africa, to the cancellation of the World Bank meeting in Barcelona for fear of protests--we are winning. But victories raise serious issues. How do we react to police violence? Should we take on the state physically or build local networks? Who are our allies, and who are our real enemies? International Socialism presents a forum in which Susan George, Walden Bello and Chris Nineham put forward their visions of where the movement should go. Fundamentally, how do we answer the question raised by Susan George--what does 'overthrowing capitalism' mean in the 21st century?
Walden Bello: The global conjuncture: characteristics and challenges
International Socialism Journal nr. 91, jun 01 – side 11
Note: From the drugs companies' defeat over patenting in South Africa, to the cancellation of the World Bank meeting in Barcelona for fear of protests--we are winning. But victories raise serious issues. How do we react to police violence? Should we take on the state physically or build local networks? Who are our allies, and who are our real enemies? International Socialism presents a forum in which Susan George, Walden Bello and Chris Nineham put forward their visions of where the movement should go. Fundamentally, how do we answer the question raised by Susan George--what does 'overthrowing capitalism' mean in the 21st century?
Chris Nineham: An idea whose time has come
International Socialism Journal nr. 91, jun 01 – side 21
Note: From the drugs companies' defeat over patenting in South Africa, to the cancellation of the World Bank meeting in Barcelona for fear of protests--we are winning. But victories raise serious issues. How do we react to police violence? Should we take on the state physically or build local networks? Who are our allies, and who are our real enemies? International Socialism presents a forum in which Susan George, Walden Bello and Chris Nineham put forward their visions of where the movement should go. Fundamentally, how do we answer the question raised by Susan George--what does 'overthrowing capitalism' mean in the 21st century?
Socialist Worker (UK): Naomi Klein: Bevægelsen er gået fra anti-globalisering til anti-kapitalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 191, mar 01 – side 9
Note: Naomi Kleins bog No Logo røber hvordan multinationale firmaer kvæler folks liv. Den er blevet en kæmpesucces efter protesterne i Seattle. Socialistisk Arbejderavis’ britiske søsteravis, Socialist Worker, har talt med Naomi Klein.
Walden Bello: 2000: the year of global protest
International Socialism Journal nr. 90, mar 01 – side 71
Note: Walden Bello, executive director of Focus on the Global South and professor at the University of the Philippines, has emerged as one of the key figures in the anti-capitalist movement. Here he gives his assessment of the global wave of demonstrations against the neo-liberal corporate agenda that have dominated the last 12 months.
Protest mod World Economic Forums møde i Davos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 190, feb 01 – side 12
Note: Seneste anti-kapitalistiske protest, mod World Economic Forums (WEF) møde i Davos, Schweiz.
Oversigt over protester dec 99-dec 2000: Tænk globalt – kæmp lokalt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 6
Note: Lige siden de store protester mod Verdens handelsorganisationen i Seattle for et år siden, har vi set større protester og demonstrationer blusse op rundt omkring i verden. Styrken og bredden i protesterne vokser, og arbejderklassen er for alvor ved at komme på banen.
Et år efter Seattle – anti-kapitalismen breder sig: Global modstand mod kapitalismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 6
Note: For et år siden lukkede 70.000 demonstranter fra hele verden WTO’s møde i Seattle ned. Det gjorde de i protest mod bl.a. den fattigdom, ulighed og ødelæggelse af miljøet, som blot er nogle af konsekvenserne af Verdenshandelsorganisationens politik på verdensplan.
Judy Cox: Reasons to be cheerful: theories of anti-capitalism (David Harvey: "Spaces of Hope")
International Socialism Journal nr. 89, dec 00 – side 111
Andreas Ytterstad: En ny klassiker for en ny bevegelse: "No Logo"
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 6, sep 00 
Mark O’Brien: Susan George i perspektiv
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 6, sep 00 
Note: Denne artikkelen er oversatt fra Mark O'Brien: "In Perspective: Susan George", International Socialism 86, 2000.
Jim Wolfreys: Pierre Bourdieu i perspektiv
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 6, sep 00 
Note: Denne artikkelen er oversatt fra engelsk: J. Wolfreys: "In Perspective: Pierre Bordieu", International Socialism 87, 2000.
Arbejdere og studenter i demonstrationer og strejker: Vi vil af med kapitalismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 182, maj 00 – side 8
Note: Den antikapitaliske stemning breder sig over hele verden. Flere og flere mennesker vil ikke længere kigge stiltiende på, at kapitalismen ødelægger almindelige menneskers hverdag.
Socialistisk Arbejderavis har talt med socialister fra flere lande, og de fortæller om, hvordan den antikapitalistiske stemning udtrykker sig.
Mark O’Brien: In perspective: Susan George
International Socialism Journal nr. 86, mar 00 – side 37
Note: An insight into the intellectual basis of the Seattle protests is given by Mark O’Brien, as he looks at the life and work of campaigner and economist Susan George.
Findes også i en norsk oversættelse.

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