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Tema: Krigen mod terror 2001-?

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Krigen mod terror 2001-?
Se også: Krigsmodstand (DK) 2001-?
Alex Callinicos: Analysis: Resisting the long war
International Socialism Journal nr. 149, jan 16 – side 3
Note: In May 1970 a group of prominent Harvard academics with considerable government experience, led by the game theorist Thomas Schelling, went to the White House to meet their ex-colleague, Henry Kissinger, then national security adviser to president Richard Nixon. They were there to protest against the recent invasion of Cambodia by the United States and its client regime in South Vietnam—supposedly to attack “safe havens” used by Viet Cong guerrillas.
Anne Alexander: Analysis: ISIS, imperialism and the war in Syria
International Socialism Journal nr. 149, jan 16 – side 21
Note: For the fourth time in less than a decade and half the UK is at war, and once again the vast majority of the victims will be Muslims. Bolstered by the votes and voices of the Labour right, on 2 December David Cameron finally secured the parliamentary majority he needed to extend military operations to Syria. The star performance that night was not the prime minister’s however. The media’s plaudits were reserved for shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn, who invoked the memory of the International Brigades and their fight against fascism to build a case for war.
NPA (Nyt Antikapitalistisk Parti): Jeres krige – Vores døde: Imperialistiske kriges grusomhed resulterer i terrorismens grusomhed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 349, nov 15 
Note: NPA udsendte denne erklæring den 14. november 2015 efter angrebene i Paris om aftenen den 13. november.
Dave Sewell: Franske aktivister reagerer på angrebet i Paris: “Jeres krige – Vores døde”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 349, nov 15 
Note: Mindst 128 mennesker er blevet dræbt ved en række skyderier og selvmordsbomber seks forskellige steder i den franske hovedstad Paris i aftes, fredag. Aktivister i Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA) i Paris talte med Socialist Worker lørdag morgen.
SWP: Socialist Workers Party (UK) efter Paris: Nej til racisme og imperialistiske krige, der skaber rædslerne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 349, nov 15 
Note: De forfærdelige drab i Paris er rædselsvækkende. Vores medfølelse er hos ofrene og deres familier og venner.
Denis Godard: Frankrig efter Charlie Hebdo-angrebet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 342, dec 14 
Note: Det umiddelbare svar efter angrebet på Charlie Hebdo var “national enhed” imod terrorismen.
IS/U: Angrebet i Frankrig: Fordøm terrorismen og bekæmp racismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 342, dec 14 
Note: Alle socialister bør fordømme angrebet på det anti-religiøse og islamfjendske franske satireblad Charlie Hebdo i Paris. Men angrebet må ikke bruges til at oppiske endnu mere islamofobi og fremmedhad.
Are hundreds of children ‘extremist’?
Socialist Worker nr. 2363, jul 13 – side 3
Note: More than 750 school children have been reported to the authorities for “worrying” signs that they could be extremist.
Mike Davis: Ten years since 9/11: 9/11- the embers of September
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 
Note: A decade on from 9/11, Mike Davis looks at how it fueled self-righteous US ‘innocence’
Simon Basketter: “War on Terror”: Was Jack Straw involved in rendition and torture of Libyan man?
Socialist Worker nr. 2273, okt 11 – side 13
Note: Did the British government send a family to be tortured in Libya as a gift to Colonel Gaddafi? Sami al-Saadi says so—and he is claiming damages for the years of torture he suffered.
Alex Callinicos: Ten years since 9/11: Power failure
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 – side 8
Note: The wars that followed 9/11 were supposed to prove US power to the world, but, says Alex Callinicos, they have done the opposite.
Alt. url: Dansk oversættelse
Bassem Chit: Ten years since 9/11: ‘Democracy is not given, it is taken’
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 – side 9
Note: Ten years have passed since the tragic events of 9/11. While I sympathise with those who died in the US, I cannot but remember the countless atrocities committed by the US government in their name against Muslims and Arabs around the globe.
Ten years since 9/11: ‘Terror’ cover for attacks on civil liberties
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 – side 10
Note: The “war on terror” has meant the worst abuses of civil liberties and human rights in generations.
Patrick Ward: Interview John Pilger: The fight for principled journalism
Socialist Review nr. 354, jan 11 – side 18
Note: Despite claims of impartiality, journalists are often subservient to the needs of the rich and powerful. John Pilger spoke to Patrick Ward about the media, power and his new film The War You Don't See.
Siân Ruddick: Shifts in the ‘war on terror’ that bring more death
Socialist Worker nr. 2184, jan 10 – side 3
Note: A number of significant shifts have taken place in the “war on terror” since Christmas. US rhetoric against Yemen has been cranked up since the failed Detroit plane bomber claimed to have been trained in the country.
Lindsey German: In my view: Peace, or just war?
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 7
Note: "The instruments of war do have a role to play in preserving the peace." So said Barack Obama in Oslo last month as he accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace.
John Newsinger: Book review: Liberal apologists autopsied
International Socialism Journal nr. 122, apr 09 – side 205
Note: As I write this review, Gaza lies in ruins after the Israeli government’s most recent exercise in collective punishment. This latest atrocity has excited massive opposition in Britain (not least the widespread student occupations). But the concern of the “liberal establishment” remains, quite incredibly, how to protect Israel from further Hamas attacks and so prevent the need for any more embarrassing Israeli reprisals.
Alex Callinicos: Gaza: a setback for the ‘war on terror’
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 8
Note: Israel’s unsuccessful attempt to crush Palestinian resistance movements during the Gaza offensive has created new problems for US imperialism.
Simon Basketter: Jean Charles de Menezes: Shot, then slandered and still no justice
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 3
Note: On 22 July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes was shot seven times in the head and once in the shoulder with hollow tip bullets by police who had followed him on to a tube train at Stockwell, south London.
Simon Basketter: Jean Charles de Menezes jury reject police case as family say coroner failed (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 
Note: Key parts of the police account of the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes are untrue according to the jury at the inquest into his death.
Alex Callinicos: Economic turmoil and endless war: System failure
Socialist Review nr. 329, okt 08 – side 10
Note: As the worst economic crisis since the 1929 crash rips through the world's markets, Alex Callinicos analyses the factors driving ever greater political instabilities across the globe.
Lindsey German: The warmongers’ failure on every front
Socialist Worker nr. 2119, sep 08 – side 4
Note: Conflict is intensifying under the ‘war on terror’, but this has created a crisis for our rulers and opposition must be stepped up.
Lene Junker: USA og NATOs strategi smuldrer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 281, aug 08 – side 6
Note: USA og NATOs magtesløshed over for Ruslands angreb på Georgien har afsløret det, som seriøse analyser har påpeget det sidste års tid: USA og NATOs strategi for global dominans har slået fejl.
Simon Basketter: Civil liberties: Gordon Brown wins 42 days detention, but at what price?
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 6
Note: Gordon Brown narrowly scraped home in a crucial parliamentary vote on 42-day internment last week. Britain now has the most draconian anti-terror laws in the Western world.
Civil liberties: Case studies raise question marks over terror convictions
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 6
Note: The existing terrorism laws have the potential for miscarriages of justice.
Det mener vi: Danmark under angreb
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 279, jun 08 – side 2
Note: Danmark er under angreb. I hvert fald hvis man skal tro mediebilledet efter bombeattentatet mod den danske ambassade i Pakistan. Endnu en gang oplever vi hvordan dagsordenen handler om terrorister der truer vores ytringsfrihed og demokrati. Om hvordan vi skal værne om vores fælles værdier, og om hvor vigtigt det er vi står fast sammen i kampen mod fundamentalisterne.
Sadie Robinson: Nottingham ‘terror arrests’: ‘The clampdown is about trying to depoliticise us’
Socialist Worker nr. 2104, jun 08 – side 2
Note: The harrowing story of Rizwaan Sabir – a postgraduate student studying terrorism who was arrested for downloading an Al Qaida training manual – is testimony to the Islamaphobia that has been whipped up by politicians and the media.
Matt Foot: Anti-terror bill: 42-day detentions will do nothing to stop terror
Socialist Worker nr. 2104, jun 08 – side 2
Note: Gordon Brown came up with a wonderful Blairite and Orwellian phrase this week saying he wants “to protect the security of all and the liberties of each” by extending detention for terrorist suspects to 42 days.
Jørn Andersen: USA i Mellemøsten: Et nyt Vietnam – bare større
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 278, apr 08 – side 15
Note: De seneste måneder har ikke været gode ved USA’s projekt i Mellemøsten. Fra Pakistan i øst, over Afghanistan, Irak og Palæstina, til Egypten i vest møder USA’s allierede herskere i stigende grad modstand fra deres egne befolkninger.
The 'Long War': ‘War on terror’ becomes a war without end
Socialist Worker nr. 2092, mar 08 – side 9
Note: “We can’t agree it’s global, we can’t agree it’s terrorism, but we all generally agree it’s a war, and it’s going to be long,” wrote James Carafano, a leading neocon “intellectual” of the Heritage Foundation.
Paul Rogers: Iraq, Afghanistan: Has the US lost?
Socialist Review nr. 323, mar 08 – side 10
Note: The occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan look ever more entrenched. But, Paul Rogers argues, the only solution for the world's most powerful nation and its allies will be withdrawal.
Solomon Hughes: Follow the money
Socialist Review nr. 323, mar 08 – side 13
Note: It started with an article on a private security company in Bosnia. Solomon Hughes then became drawn into an investigation which was to expose the ever growing profits made from the privatisation of war.
Analysis: The shifting fronts of Bush’s war
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 12
Note: When Gordon Brown took over from Blair the biggest obstacle to refurbishing the image of New Labour was the war in Iraq. It remains an obstacle, despite the British withdrawal of troops from the centre of Basra to the airport outside the city—effectively a recognition of defeat in the effort to control the south of the country. But the one thing Brown did not dare say was that this marked the end of British involvement. For that would have been seen as withdrawing moral support for George Bush’s war.
Sadie Robinson: Review: Exposing the myths of Bush's wars
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 191
Note: Achin Vanaik (ed), Selling US Wars (Aris, 2007), £10.99
Selling US Wars is a collection of essays by authors such as Susan George, Walden Bello and Mike Marqusee, which challenges the arguments through which the US has sought to justify the “war on terror”.
Dan Hind: Without good reason
Socialist Worker nr. 2062, aug 07 – side 12
Note: Enlightenment values of truth and rationality have been hijacked and wrongly used to justify the “war on terror”, argues Dan Hind.
Lene Junker: Nej til krig mod Iran
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 266, mar 07 – side 11
Note: I 2002 lancerede Bush sin kampagne mod “Ondskabens Akse”. Iran var en af flere såkaldte “slyngelstater”, som udgjorde en trussel mod USA og dets allierede. Siden da har USA forsøgt at opbygge en international alliance mod Iran. Det er ikke lykkedes – kun Israel støtter aktivt USA, og det forlyder, at Israel er ved at forberede sig på at kunne bombe Irans atomanlæg.
Alexander Lassithiotakis: Forsvar ‘Oprør’
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 245, sep 05 – side 9
Note: Hetzen mod Oprør er et angreb på alle modstandere af krig og nyliberalisme.
Jørn Andersen: Efter bomberne i Madrid: Krig stopper ikke terror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 226, mar 04 – side 1
Note: Den 11. marts eksploderede 10 bomber inden for et kvarter på 3 jernbanestationer i den spanske hovedstad Madrid. 200 blev dræbt og over 1400 såret.
Anders Schou: Krigen mod terror: Øje for øje gør verden blind
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 5
Note: Som antikrigsbevægelsen forudsagde, har Vestens krige i Afghanistan og Irak skabt mere – ikke mindre – terror, og reaktionen er uundgåelig.
Frank Antonsen: 11. september: Grobund for øget statsterror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 207, okt 02 – side 2
Note: Den 11/9-2001 styrtede to kaprede passagerfly ind i World Trade Center i New York, og de to tårnhøje bygninger blev forvandlet til en ruinhob. Et tredje fly styrede ned i det amerikanske militærs hovedkvarter, Pentagon. Og et fjerde styrtede ned på en mark. I alt omkom 2800 civile.
Christian Dalsgaard: Læserbrev: Overvågning af studerende
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 206, sep 02 – side 10
Note: Sæsonen for paranoia, mistænkeliggørelse og heksejagt startede 11. september sidste år. Og nu er turen kommet til de studerende på danske universiteter.
Lindsey German: A year of war: Bush and Blair's war plans
Socialist Review nr. 266, sep 02 – side 10
Note: The 'war on terror' was meant to bring peace. Instead we are on the edge of much greater war with Iraq
Sam Ashman: Islam and imperialism (Tariq Ali: "The Clash of Fundamentalisms")
International Socialism Journal nr. 95, jun 02 – side 125
Chris Nineham: Krig uden ende? (uforkortet)
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 202, mar 02 – side 9
Note: Bush og Blair er ved at forberede krig mod Irak, men som Chris Nineham forklarer, risikerer de at fremprovokere en modstand, som de får svært ved at styre.

Den uforkortede udgave af oversættelse fra Socialist Review nr. 261, marts 2002.
Jesper Høi Kanne: USA – verdens største slyngelstat
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 201, feb 02 – side 4
Note: USA’s “krig mod terror” fortsætter.
Jakob L. Krogh: Noam Chomsky: “9-11”: Et opgør med myterne om terrorangrebet på USA
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 200, jan 02 – side 8
Note: Noam Chomsky er en af de bedste kritikere af stormagternes politik, og som speciale har han sit eget hjemland, USA.
Chris Harman: France: The wrong attack
Socialist Review nr. 259, jan 02 – side 13
Note: Why has the anti-war movement in France has not matched others?
Alt. url: Socialist Review Index
Alex Callinicos: Afghanistan: Only half way through the river of blood
Socialist Worker nr. 1779, dec 01 – side 4
Note: "Top of the world, Ma!" shouts James Cagney at the end of the movie White Heat, just before he blows himself to smithereens.
Anders Schou: Al kritik skal forstumme: Terrorpakken er et angreb på den politiske frihed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 5
Note: Angrebet den 11. september og den såkaldte ‘Krig mod terror’ bruges til at lukke munden på alle, der ikke støtter de eksisterende magt- og samfundsforhold.
Trods hetz om terror: Operation Dagsværk en succes
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 11
Note: Årets Operation Dagsværk samlede et rekordstort beløb på 5,5 mio. kr. ind til skoler i Chiapas-regionen i Mexico, og et ligeledes rekordstort antal gymnasier deltog den 7. november.
SÄPO – det svenske PET – går i offensiven
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 198, nov 01 – side 11
Note: Det svenske syndikalistmagasin Band er indstævnet for retten den 5. december, tiltalt for “opfordring til vold”.
Alex Callinicos: Stop the war: The disasters of war
Socialist Review nr. 257, nov 01 – side 8
Note: Bush and Blair have plunged us into a terrible conflict. But as Alex Callinicos explains, the longer it goes on the more their problems stack up
Margit Johansen: Hetz mod muslimer skal skal sikre regeringsmagten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 197, okt 01 – side 2
Note: Det er beskæmmende at se, hvordan danske politikere har stået i kø for at bruge terrorangrebet den 11. september til gøre hetzen mod indvandrere, og muslimer især, flere takker grovere.
[Ekstra 24.9.01]: Krig stopper ikke terror
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 196, sep 01 – side 13
Note: Bush’s krig rammer uskyldige civile, puster til racismen og angriber vores demokratiske rettigheder

USA’s magthavere vil kynisk misbruge de tragiske begivenheder i New York til at styrke deres egen magt, både internt i USA og rundt om i verden.

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