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Tema: Marxisme

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Se også: Marxistisk tradition
Penny Howard: Human nature and social change
Socialist Worker nr. 2094, mar 08 – side 13
Note: Anthropologist Penny Howard argues against the commonly held notions that human beings are inherently selfish and that capitalism is somehow “natural”
Martin Empson: Marxism on the web
International Socialism Journal nr. 105, dec 04 – side 164
Note: Over the last decade the Marxists Internet Archive has become the most comprehensive online collection of left wing texts. Martin Empson spoke to some of the volunteers behind the project about their aims and methods.
Joseph Choonara: Book reviews: Marx or the multitude? (Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri: "Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire")
International Socialism Journal nr. 105, dec 04 – side 176
Note: Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s first collaboration, Empire, exerted a powerful influence on the anti-capitalist movement, especially on those sections describing themselves as autonomist.
Books are weapons: Engels: Socialism Utopian and Scientific
Socialist Review nr. 40, feb 82 – side 26
Note: Most works of Marxist theory have their origin in a polemic within the movement. Engels’ Socialism: Utopian and Scientific is no exception, though for many years it has been published and read as a simple introduction to Marxism.
Alt. url: Som gif-fil (+27 og 28)
Ann Rogers: Review of G. Cohen’s “Karl Marx’s Theory of History – A Defence”
International Socialism Journal nr. 12, mar 81 – side 125
Note: Since its publication, Cohen’s book has acquired a formidable reputation in certain left circles; both as heralding a return to orthodox Marxism, and as a masterpiece of philosophical rigour. Cohen himself sees his mission as being to introduce the ‘precision of intellectual commitment’ which he thinks was a product of British philosophy’s engagement with logical positivism, to an interpretation of historical materialism ‘in which history is, fundamentally, the growth of human productive power, and forms of society rise and fall according as they enable or impede that growth.’
Colin Barker: The State as Capital
International Socialism Journal nr. 1, jul 78 – side 16
Note: In recent years, there has been a welcome revival in the Marxist critique of political economy. A good deal of this revival has been concerned with the rediscovery of Marx’s concepts, and much less with their use for comprehending the contemporary capitalist world, If there has been a field where development has been most slight, however, it has been the critique of the capitalist state and its place within the reproduction of capitalism as a whole.
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Marxistisk filosofi
Se også: Filosofi; Marxistisk tradition
Brian Kelly: Review: John Molyneux, The Point is to Change It!
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 3, sep 12 – side 81
Note: Review: John Molyneux, The Point is to Change It! An Introduction to Marxist Philosophy, Bookmarks, 2012.
Karl Marx is back, and the reasons behind the growing revival of interest in his ideas are no mystery. A charmed circle of mainstream journalists, universitybased economists and think-tank wonderboys who made easy reputations during the boom years have been completely unable to explain-let alone plot a way out of the most devastating economic crisis in living memory.
Chris Harman: Book Review: The emperor has no clothes
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 71
Note: A review of Gregory Elliott, Althusser: The Detour of Theory (Haymarket Books, 2009), £19.99
The economic crisis of the last two years has provided an extra impetus to the revival of interest in Marxism. A new generation is beginning to reach out to ideas that we were told were finished once and for all in the aftermath of 1989.
Paul Blackledge: Review: How humans make themselves
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 194
Note: Review: Sean Sayers, Marxism and Human Nature (Routledge, 2007), £20.00
Dan Swain: Review: Marx misconstrued
International Socialism Journal nr. 117, jan 08 – side 200
Note: Review: Etienne Balibar, The Philosophy of Marx (Verso, 2007), £9.99
Néstor Kohan: Postmodernism, commodity fetishism and hegemony
International Socialism Journal nr. 105, dec 04 – side 139
Note: Argentinian Marxist Néstor Kohan challenging the 'post-Marxist' orthodoxies of the 1990s.
Chris Harman: Marxismens klassikere: Historisk materialisme
Socialistisk Revy nr. 10, dec 98 – side 26
Note: Karl Marx: "Teser om Feuerbach" + Karl Marx og Friedrich Engels: "Den tyske ideologi"
Historisk materialisme er det navn, man normalt giver til Marx' beskrivelse af, hvordan et samfund udvikler sig og forandres.
Judy Cox: An introduction to Marx's theory of alienation
International Socialism Journal nr. 79, jun 98 – side 41
Note: Judy Cox introduces Marx's concept of alienation, looking at the material basis for the dominance of ruling class ideas and how they can be undermined.
Frank Antonsen: John Molyneux: “Er marxismen deterministisk?”: Forsvar for den levende marxisme
Socialistisk Revy nr. 4, maj 98 – side 28
Note: Hvad er det, der gør marxismen forskellig fra andre teorier om, hvordan verden er skruet sammen? Det er den vægt, Marx lagde på sammenhængen mellem teori og praksis. Teorien, marxismen, er først og fremmest et redskab til at forandre verden.
Alex Callinicos: The secret of the dialectic (John Rees: "The Algebra of Revolution")
International Socialism Journal nr. 78, mar 98 – side 93
Note: Alex Callinicos's article 'The Secret of the Dialectic' reviews a newly published account of Marxist philosophy, 'The Algebra of Revolution' by John Rees.
John Molyneux: Is Marxism deterministic?
International Socialism Journal nr. 68, sep 95 – side 37
Note: John Molyneux takes issue with one of the most common accusations levelled at Marxism-that it is a deterministic theory which leaves little room for conscious human action. He shows the extent to which Marx and his inheritors have tried to explain the working of society by analysing its economic and social structure, but he also demonstrates how much the Marxist tradition has given to the age old desire to shape the world according to human needs and wants.
John Rees: Trotsky and the dialectic of history
International Socialism Journal nr. 47, jun 90 – side 113
Note: Leon Trotsky was murdered by Stalin’s agent 50 years ago. We publish three articles which re-examine his legacy just at the moment when Stalin's empire is crumbling. John Rees examines Trotsky’s recently published Writings on Lenin, Dialectics and Evolutionism and evaluates Trotsky's original contribution to the Marxist method.
Colin Barker: Comments on Base and Superstructure
International Socialism Journal nr. 34, dec 86 – side 118
Note: Response to Chris Harman: "Base and superstructure", ISJ 2:32
Alex Callinicos: Comments on Base and Superstructure
International Socialism Journal nr. 34, dec 86 – side 122
Note: Response to Chris Harman: "Base and superstructure", ISJ 2:32
Duncan Hallas: Comments on Base and Superstructure
International Socialism Journal nr. 34, dec 86 – side 125
Note: Response to Chris Harman: "Base and superstructure", ISJ 2:32
Chris Harman: Base and superstructure
International Socialism Journal nr. 32, jun 86 – side 3
Note: Responses in ISJ 2:34
Chris Harman: Philosophy and Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 21, sep 83 – side 58
Note: A follow-up to Peter Binns: "What are the tasks of Marxism in philosophy?" – a review of Alex Callinicos: "Is There a Future for Marxism?" in ISJ2:17, and Alex Callinicos: "Marxism and philosophy: a reply to Peter Binns" in ISJ2:19
Alt. url: Chris Harman’s Back Pages
Alex Callinicos: Marxism and philosophy: a reply to Peter Binns
International Socialism Journal nr. 19, mar 83 – side 113
Note: Reply to Peter Binns: “What are the tasks of Marxism in philosophy?” – a review of Alex Callinicos: “Is There a Future for Marxism?” in ISJ2:17
Peter Binns: What are the tasks of Marxism in philosophy?
International Socialism Journal nr. 17, sep 82 – side 92
Note: Review: Alex Callinicos: “Is There a Future for Marxism?”
Terry Sullivan: Dialectical biology: A response to Camilla Royle
International Socialism Journal nr. 145, jan 15 – side 179
Note: The concept of dialectics is central to Marxism and the fight for a socialist transformation of society. Given this, we should welcome Camilla Royle’s recent article in this journal on the dialectics of nature and in particular biology.
Camilla Royle: Dialectics, nature and the dialectics of nature
International Socialism Journal nr. 141, jan 14 – side 97
Note: In 1873 Karl Marx’s collaborator Frederick Engels started work on an ambitious volume entitled Dialectics of Nature. He described in a letter to Marx how, while lying in bed one morning, he had concluded that the natural sciences were really all about “matter in motion”.
Chris Harman: At være og ikke at være
Note: Det seneste bind af Marx-Engels samlede værker samler to af Engels' skrifter, som har været meget fremført af stalinismen, og som derfor har haft en tendens til at blive mistroet af revolutionære siden midten af halvtredserne: Anti-Dühring og Naturens dialektik. Chris Harman argumenterer for, at de begge har meget at sige revolutionære i dag – forudsat de læses kritisk.
Martin B. Johansen: John Rees: "The Algebra of Revolution": Dialektik – teorien om radikal forandring
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 15
Note: Dialektik er et udskældt og mystificeret begreb. Men Martin Johansen forklarer i denne artikel, hvordan dialektik står helt centralt i en marxistisk forståelse af, hvordan samfundet kan forandres.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Hvad er dialektik?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 139, aug 96 – side 5
Note: Hjørnestenen i den marxistiske filosofi er, at al ting må studeres "dialektisk". Begrebet dialektik bliver tit beskrevet som obskurt og uforståeligt. Men i virkeligheden er de grundlæggende ideer i dialektikken ret simple.
Chris Harman: To be and not to be
Socialist Review nr. 108, apr 88 – side 22
Note: The latest volume of the Marx-Engekls Collected Works brings together two of Engels's writings that were much promoted by Stalinism and, therefore, have tended to be distrusted by revolutionary Marxists since the mid-1950s – Anti-Dühring and The Dialectics of Nature. Chris Harman argues that both have much to teach revolutionaries today – providing they are read critically.
Alt. url: At være og ikke at være
Se også: Politiet
Alex Callinicos: SYRIZA og staten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 343, feb 15 – side 8
Note: Alex Callinicos ser på udfordringerne for Grækenlands nye venstre-regering – og på ideerne bag dens strategi.
Jack Farmer: Revolutionary Lessons: Should we aim to smash the state?
Socialist Review nr. 354, jan 11 – side 36
Note: Can students challenge the state? Jack Farmer explores the issues.
Tom Walker: Repression and consent
Socialist Worker nr. 2150, maj 09 – side 13
Note: Our rulers strike a delicate balance to keep us in line. Tom Walker looks at ‘hegemony’ and the role of state violence in modern capitalism
Mike Haynes: A to Z of Socialism: S is for state capitalism
Socialist Review nr. 332, jan 09 – side 21
Note: As global capitalism flounders, the world's governments are scrambling to use state action to try to stop the rot and bail out the system. After two decades of being told that the market works best, the state is back.
Mark Thomas: State of dependence
Socialist Review nr. 330, nov 08 – side 10
Note: The era of globalisation meant that national states would have no role in modern capitalism. This was a myth accepted by many, left and right. Mark L Thomas argues this was never the case and looks at the impact of recent state interventions to rescue the free market.
Simon Basketter: The police protect the state
Socialist Worker nr. 2125, nov 08 – side 12
Note: The investigation into the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes shines a spotlight on the police and anti-terror laws.
Adrian Budd: Book review: Politics without enough economics
International Socialism Journal nr. 119, jul 08 – side 184
Note: Bob Jessop, State Power: A Strategic-Relational Approach (Polity, 2008), £17.99.
John Molyneux: What is real democracy?
Socialist Worker nr. 2081, dec 07 – side 13
Note: John Molyneux analyses the origins of the limited democracy we have today, and looks forward to a radically different society in which we all have power.
Martin B. Johansen: Staten og magten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 227, apr 04 – side 6
Note: Ifølge alle lærebøger og de fleste menneskers opfattelse er saten et neutralt organ, der er hævetr over særinteresser og skal tjene hele befolkningen. Men to ekesempler fra den seneste måned viser, at historien er mere indviklet end som så.
Martin B. Johansen: V. I. Lenin: “Staten og revolutionen”: Hvad er marxisme? Staten og revolutionen
Socialistisk Revy nr. 7, sep 98 – side 30
Note: Når socialister argumenterer for, at en samfundsomvæltning ikke kan ske via parlamentet, men kræver en revolution, så anklages de ofte for at være udemokratiske.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Staten skal bekæmpes udefra
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 168, okt 97 – side 5
Note: Den tidligere socialdemokratiske statsminister Anker Jørgensen har berettet om, hvordan Danmarks største kapitalist, Mærsk McKinney-Møller, en gang i 1970’erne sagde til ham: “Jeg håber, at De er min statsminister.”
Chris Harman: The state and capitalism today
International Socialism Journal nr. 51, jun 91 – side 3
Note: The last decade is seen as a time when the state was rolled back and the ‘free market’ took over. In Britain and the US, Eastern Europe and the Third World, the ruling class talks of privatisation as the solution to the economic crisis. But as Chris Harman explains, the interdependence of capital with the nation state is most crucial today as it was in capitalism’s early days. He examines the relationship between capital and the state, from its early days through to the globalisation of capital and the spread of multinational corporations. He shows how these trends are underpinned by political structures and supported by military might, as the recent Gulf war vividly demonstrated.
Tom Christiansen: Lenins “Staten og revolutionen”: Socialisme igennem folketinget?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 10, jun 85 – side 6
Note: Storstrejken er slut for denne gang. Og Schlüter sidder stadig på sin post. Derfor vil mange stille spørgsmålet: »Hvordan kommer vi så af med ham?« De fleste vil højst sandsynligt komme til konklusionen: Han må stemmes ud ved næste valg.
Colin Barker: What do we mean by ...?: The state
Socialist Review nr. 74, mar 85 – side 25
Note: THE question of the state has been one of the great causes of division in the socialist movement throughout this century. World War One split socialists into reformist and revolutionary wings over the issue of support for capitalist states in their imperialist rivalries. The same question still haunts people calling themselves socialists today: witness the failure of the Labour Party to attack the Tories over the Falklands.
Colin Sparks: Understanding the state
Socialist Review nr. 67, jul 84 – side 7
Note: The battles on the Orgreave picket lines and a recent spate of small attacks on socialists by the remnants of the National Front, have provoked a number of claims that Britain is sliding into a police state or some sort of fascism.
Marcel van der Linden: The relative independence of the bourgeois state apparatus
International Socialism Journal nr. 8, mar 80 – side 124
Note: A reply to Tim Potter: “The ‘strong’ state” (ISJ2:4, p.110ff).
Marcel van der Linden is a member of the Political Bureau of the International Communist League (IKB), Dutch section of the Fourth International.
Mauro Volpe: Bonapartism and the Capitalist State
International Socialism Journal nr. 5, jun 79 – side 124
Note: A contribution to the discussion of the strong state begun by Tim Potter in ISJ2:4
Colin Barker: A 'New' Reformism? – A critique of the political theory of Nicos Poulantzas
International Socialism Journal nr. 4, mar 79 – side 88
Note: For some years now, there has been a welcome revival in Marxist discussion on the State. Two names, above all, have been associated with that discussion: Ralph Miliband and Nicos Poulantzas.
Alt. url:
Tim Potter: The 'strong' state
International Socialism Journal nr. 4, mar 79 – side 110
Esme Choonara: Er vi alle splittede af privilegier?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 345, jun 15 
Note: En indflydelsesrig teori, som opdeler folk efter en myriade af “privilegier”, lader vores magthavere slippe af krogen – og står i vejen for sammenhold mod undertrykkelse.
Yuri Prasad + Esme Choonara: What’s wrong with privilege theory?
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 83
Note: Can those who are not oppressed be part of the battles for liberation? Are all white people complicit in racism or can they be part of the fight for the emancipation of black people? Can gay and straight really unite against discrimination? Can men be part of the struggle for women’s rights? These are just some of the issues at stake in discussions about privilege theory and oppression.
Karl Gill: Oppression, Intersectionality and Privilege Theory
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 9, mar 14 – side 62
Note: Many people today under capitalism are faced with oppression. Some people are more oppressed than others and people are oppressed for many different reasons.
Emma Davis: How can we end oppression?
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 36
Note: Emma Davis looks at how socialists understand oppression
Hannah Dee: Fighting homophopia: Attacking one form of bigotry with another is a dead end
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 
Note: It was shocking to read the response of liberal gay journalist Johann Hari to the recent appearance of “gay free zone” stickers carrying slogans from the Koran in Tower Hamlets, east London.
Det mener vi: Nyliberalismen og undertrykkelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 268, apr 07 – side 2
Note: Søren Kraup siger at muslimer er ligesom nazister, Regeringen vil normalisere Christiania og Ritt har smadret Ungdomshuset.
Ligheden imellem disse tre aktuelle sager er undertrykkelse.
Colin Barker: De undertyktes ret til selv at organisere deres eget forsvar
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 227, apr 04 – side 6
Note: Den evige klassekamp mellem kapital og arbejde spiller en central rolle i kapitalismen. Det er marxismens ABC. Men alfabetet har mere end tre bogstaver. Klasseoverherredømmet under kapitalismen er flettet sammen med mange andre former for undertrykkelse af mennesker.
Tamil-sagen: Erindring svigter stadig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 105, jul 94 – side 2
Note: Viggo det-erindrer-jeg-ikke Fischer er ikke den eneste, der under tamilsagen har haft en dårlig hukommelse.
Dan Swain: Hegelianation?
International Socialism Journal nr. 133, jan 12 – side 216
Note: Sean Sayers, Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes (Palgrave, 2011), £50
Marx’s theory of alienation has been somewhat out of fashion in the past few decades. This is, in part, because of the degree to which his theory is seen as influenced by the philosophy of Hegel.
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Fremmedgørelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 296, mar 10 – side 13
Note: Har du nogensinde tænkt over, hvorfor du ikke har noget at gøre med naboen, når man nu har boet i samme opgang i 5 år? Kender du følelsen af at sidde fredag aften, med et glas rødvin, og tænke tilbage på sidste weekend, mens tiden imellem bare flyder sammen til en grå hverdag?
E. Gjøstøl: Innføring i Marx' teori om fremmedgjøring
Internasjonal Sosialisme 2 (norsk) nr. 5, feb 00 
Note: Fremmedgjøring er et begrep som er populært å bruke når menneskets forhold til det moderne samfunnet skal beskrives.
Ole Andersen: Fremmedgørelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 176, okt 99 – side 4
Note: Mennesket bliver mere og mere fremmedgjort under kapitalismen, fremmedgjort over for samfundet, over for andre mennesker, sig selv og sine behov.
Frank Antonsen: Når alt kan måles i penge (fremmedgørelse)
Socialistisk Revy nr. 7, sep 98 – side 20
Judy Cox: An introduction to Marx's theory of alienation
International Socialism Journal nr. 79, jun 98 – side 41
Note: Judy Cox introduces Marx's concept of alienation, looking at the material basis for the dominance of ruling class ideas and how they can be undermined.
Jakob Nerup: Den daglige nedtur: Fremmedgørelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 165, aug 97 – side 6
Note: Menneskelige problemer opfattes normalt som noget individuelt og personrelateret.

Når Danmark for eksempel har en af verdens højeste selvmordsprocenter og 200.000 på Fontex eller anden antidepressiv medicin, så er det fremmedgørelse, så det gør ondt i hjertet.
Martin B. Johansen: Marxisme i hverdagen: Derfor er det surt at gå på arbejde
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 136, maj 96 – side 5
Note: Fremmedgørelse – det lyder som et smart psykologisk udtryk for at føle sig ‘udenfor’. Men i Marx’ analyser kom begrebet fremmedgørelse til at udgøre hjørnestenen i at forstå ud fra et videnskabeligt udgangspunkt, hvorfor kapitalismen er et uværdigt system for mennesker at leve i.

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