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Tema: Mellemamerika

Christian Høgsbjerg: C L R James: the revolutionary as artist
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 163
Note: Marxism is often accused of being Eurocentric. One person who did not agree was C L R James, the Trinidad-born revolutionary who wrote the classic account of the slave revolt in Haiti, The Black Jacobins. Christian Høgsbjerg looks at his life and his writings.
John Newsinger: Hidden communities
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 207
Note: A review of Alvin O Thompson: "Flight To Freedom: African Runaways and Maroons in the Americas" (University of the West Indies Press, 2006), £27.95
Mike Haynes: Columbus, the Americas and the rise of capitalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 57, dec 92 – side 55
Note: Columbus remains as controversial now as when he discovered the Americas 500 years ago. Mike Gonzalez uncovers the myths of Columbus, myths which were first formulated in the years immediately after his voyages and which have been perpetuated down to our own time. Mike Haynes looks at Columbus from another angle, tracing the effect of the discovery of the Americas on the development of European capitalism. Together these articles strike a decisive blow to the apologists for imperialism and propose a critique of Third Worldist and Green commentators who see the indigenous societies of Latin America as a model for change today.
Mike Gonzalez: The myths of Columbus: a history
International Socialism Journal nr. 57, dec 92 – side 101
Note: Columbus remains as controversial now as when he discovered the Americas 500 years ago. Mike Gonzalez uncovers the myths of Columbus, myths which were first formulated in the years immediately after his voyages and which have been perpetuated down to our own time. Mike Haynes looks at Columbus from another angle, tracing the effect of the discovery of the Americas on the development of European capitalism. Together these articles strike a decisive blow to the apologists for imperialism and propose a critique of Third Worldist and Green commentators who see the indigenous societies of Latin America as a model for change today.
Mike Gonzalez: The future of the Central American revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 45, dec 89 – side 105
Note: In our last issue Dave Finkel, an editor of the American magazine Against the Current, wrote a critique of Mike Gonzalez's 'Central America after the Peace Plan', which appeared in issue 39. Here we continue the debate on the revolution in Central America with a reply by Mike Gonzalez.
David Finkel: After Arias, is the revolution over?
International Socialism Journal nr. 44, sep 89 – side 113
Note: In issue 39 Mike Gonzalez wrote Central America after the peace plan. In this issue we are happy to publish a reply by Dave Finkel, an editor of the American socialist magazine Against the Current, who wrote his article before this year’s El Salvadorean elections.
Mike Gonzalez: Central America after the peace plan
International Socialism Journal nr. 39, jun 88 – side 95
Note: Mike Gonzales looks at a turning point in the Nicaraguan revolution now that its leaders have signed an accommodation with the United States-the Arias peace plan.
Peter Binns: Central America: Reagan’s war game
Socialist Review nr. 66, jun 84 – side 29
Note: The arrival of Ronald Reagan will be hailed as a visit of the leader of the free world. Here Peter Binns looks at the other side of Reagan; his attempt tos to back right wing dictators and overthrow the popular regime in Nicaragua.
(side 30)
Interview: Mexico in flames: The challenges facing the movemen
International Socialism Journal nr. 145, jan 15 
Note: The disappearance in September of 43 students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Rural Teachers’ College of Ayotzinapa in Iguala in the state of Guerrero, after the police had shot six people dead, has thrown Mexico into a deep crisis. Mass protests have swept across the country, peaking in a giant demonstration in Mexico City on 20 November 2014.
Alex Smith: Exhibition: Artists and the Mexican Revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 13
Note: The Mexican Revolution in 1910 sparked an explosion of artistic creativity, writes Alex Smith.
Guy Smallman: Mexico: fight continues on the streets and in forests
Socialist Worker nr. 2065, aug 07 – side 4
Note: Women from the village of San Isidro Aloapam in the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca are struggling to save an ancient forest from a US-sponsored logging company.
Mike Gonzalez: (Arts Review:) Cultural currents: God, gold and genocide (Chiapas, 1511)
Socialist Review nr. 257, nov 01 – side 25
Note: Mike Gonzales looks at a radical bishop of Chiapas active nearly 500 years ago
Mike Gonzalez: The Zapatistas after the Great March – a postscript
International Socialism Journal nr. 91, jun 01 – side 111
Mike Gonzalez: The Zapatistas: the challenges of revolution in a new millennium
International Socialism Journal nr. 89, dec 00 – side 59
Note: The Zapatista movement in Mexico has appealed to some in the anti-capitalist movement as a new method of organisation. Mike Gonzalez looks at the movement's current potential.
Paul Langhoff: Latinamerika: Sydende oprør mod kapitalisme og ulighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 184, aug 00 – side 4
Note: Marxisterne tabte valget i Mexico for kort tid siden. Det var det billede de danske medier gav, da PRI blev væltet, og et højrefløjsparti PAN kom ind i stedet.
Lance Selfa: Mexico after the Zapatista uprising
International Socialism Journal nr. 75, jun 97 – side 61
Note: Mexico is often cited as a successful economy that proves the free-marketeers' case. Lance Selfa thinks otherwise. His careful analysis of the crisis in the Mexican economy and the political upheavals that it has provoked shows that the very forces which Mexico's rulers thought they had consigned to the early history of their republic ­ peasant rebellion and working class unrest ­ will reappear to threaten them once again.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Mexico: Oprøret ulmer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 113, mar 95 – side 7
Note: Problemerne tårner sig op for den herskende klasse i Mexico.
Martin B. Johansen: Zapatisterne i Mexico: På vej mod socialt oprør
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 107, sep 94 – side 7
Note: Mexico er præget af store sociale forskelle. Men folk er begyndt at kæmpe imod uretfærdighederne, og de herskende frygter et oprør.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Mexico: Oprør mod diktatur
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 106, aug 94 – side 6
Note: Valget i Mexico kan blive et opgør med 65 års diktatur. Befolkningen kræver forandring.
Trine Christensen: Revolution i Mexico 1910-1919: Viva la Revolucion!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 100, feb 94 – side 10
Note: De revolutionære i Mexico forstod ikke at forene bønder og arbejdere i en fælles kamp for en socialistisk revolution. Derfor endte revolutionen i nederlag.
Helle Schøler Kjær: Mexico: Chiapas: Oprør mod håbløsheden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 99, jan 94 – side 6
Note: Den nordamerikanske frihandelsaftale har forstærket håbløsheden blandt de fattige bønder.
Pia Larsen: Jens Lohmann: “Mexico”: Mexico – et land i dyb krise
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 20, jun 86 – side 8
Note: NITTEN MILLIONER mennesker og 85 millioner rotter anslåes der at være i verdens største by, Mexico City.
Dave Sewell: Fidel Castro 1926-2016
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 355, nov 16 
Note: Da den unge Fidel Castro stod anklaget for et væbnet angreb på Moncada-kasernen i 1953, udfordrede han retten: “Døm mig blot. Det betyder ikke noget. Historien vil frikende mig.”
Dave Sewell: Review: Cuba Libre?
International Socialism Journal nr. 136, okt 12 – side 221
Note: Sam Farber, Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959: A Critical Assessment (Haymarket, 2011), $24
Discussions around Cuba have an unfortunate tendency to generate more heat than light, particularly on the left. Sam Farber’s new book, in the same spirit as Jeffery Webber’s recent works on Bolivia, provides much-needed clarity.
Mike Gonzalez: Castro og Cuba
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 11
Note: Efter 49 år ved magten er Fidel Castro endeligt trådt tilbage fra posten som Cubas præsident. Vi ser tilbage på den indflydelsesrige, men ufuldkomne politiske figurs liv.
Mike Gonzalez: Frontlines: Cuba after Fidel Castro: Following Fidel
Socialist Review nr. 323, mar 08 – side 4
Note: Fidel Castro has resigned from his position as head of the government of Cuba after 49 years in charge. Even during the last 18 months when his brother Raul (five years his junior) was formally in power he has continued to control things, just as he has ever since he led the rebel army into Havana in 1959.
Castro and Cuba
Socialist Worker nr. 2090, mar 08 – side 13
Note: After 49 years in power, Fidel Castro has finally resigned as president of Cuba. Socialist Worker looks back on the life of this influential but flawed figure.
Mike Gonzalez: Cuba efter Castro
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 263, dec 06 – side 8
Note: Det er i disse dage 50 år siden, Fidel Castro startede den cubanske revolution. Startskuddet faldt den 25. november 1956, da Castro sammen med 80 frihedskæmpede om bord på den lille motorbåd Granma satte kursen mod Cuba. Godt to år senere kunne deres guerillabevægelse marchere sejrende ind i Havana.
Samuel Farber: Feedback: Cuban myths
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 224
Note: I am grateful for Chris Harman’s positive review of my book The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Reconsidered (Internatioanl Socialism 111). Nevertheless, I would like to address an issue that Chris mentioned almost in passing but which I feel requires clarification.
Chris Harman: Cuba behind the myths
International Socialism Journal nr. 111, jun 06 – side 83
Note: A review of Sam Farber: "The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Reconsidered" (University of North Carolina Press, 2006), £36.50 + Richard Gott: "Cuba: A New History" (Yale, Nota Bene series, 2005), £9.99
Oliver Stone: Han kan godt – lave gode film altså
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 220, okt 03 – side 9
Note: Men den 99 minutter lange dokumentarfilm om Fidel Castro, “Commandante”, er et tvivlsomt produkt.
Chris Harman: Thinking it through: Down and out in Havana (Pedro Juan Gutiérrez: "Anclado en Tierra de Nada" (Anchored to the Land of Nothing))
Socialist Review nr. 265, jul 02 – side 13
Note: Is Cuba free from capitalism? Chris Harman looks at the novels of a writer who does not think so
Jørn Andersen: Castros vej til magten
Socialistisk Revy nr. 3, apr 98 – side 26
Note: Da Fidel Castros guerillahær erobrede magten i Cuba i 1958, ville ingen have spået, at Cuba 40 år senere ville blive kaldt "kommunismens sidste bastion."
Mike Gonzalez: John Lee Anderson: “Che Guevara”: Che Guevara – den revolutionære helgen
Socialistisk Revy nr. 1, feb 98 – side 21
Note: Che Guevara er stadig et symbol for revolutionær kamp. Mike Gonzales ser bag om myten og manden, hvis strategi ledte til nederlag trods dens heltemodige karakter
Martin B. Johansen: Hvem var Che Guevara?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 163, jul 97 – side 6
Note: Han dukker konstant op på plakater, T-shirts og badges og har fæstnet sig i den historiske hukommelse som en revolutionær helt på linje med Malcolm X, Spartakus og Skipper Clement.
Anne Mette Ougaard: Cuba: USA-blokade skaber kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 107, sep 94 – side 6
Note: Den amerikanske blokade mod Cuba skaber tusindvis af flygtninge. Blokaden er USA’s forsøg på at få kontrol over Cuba.
Anne Mette Ougaard: Cuba: På randen af sammenbrud
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 104, jun 94 – side 7
Note: I tre årtier stod Cuba og Fidel Castro som et symbol for store dele af venstrefløjen. I dag er landet isoleret og i dyb social og økonomisk krise.
Jørgen Lund: Ernesto “Che” Guevara: Historien om en helt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 86, nov 92 – side 10
Note: Che Guevara – leder i den cubanske revolution – døde for 25 år siden. Che blev en helt og en myte. Ideen og troen på guerillakamp som vejen til revolution inspirerede titusinder af unge på venstrefløjen.
Mike Gonzalez: Can Castro survive?
International Socialism Journal nr. 56, sep 92 – side 83
Note: US imperialism has its greedy eye on Cuba. Every socialist will hope that Cuba remains a thorn in the American ruling class's side. But does that mean uncritical support for Castro's repressive regime? Mike Gonzalez analyses a turning point in history.
Torben Mønster: Socialisme og den tredje verden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 5, feb 85 – side 4
Note: Siden 2. verdenskrig har mere end halvdelen af jordens befolkning gjort op med gamle, før-kapitalistiske strukturer og kolonialismens lænker.
Vogt jer for efterligninger: Cuba, Nicaragua
Peter Binns: "Popular Power" in Cuba
International Socialism Journal nr. 21, sep 83 – side 135
Alt. url:
Peter Binns + Mike Gonzalez + Alex Callinicos: Cuba, socialism and the third world. A rejoinder to Robin Blackburn (1980)
International Socialism Journal nr. 10, sep 80 – side 93
Note: Responding to Robin Blackburn’s contribution to the debate in these pages on Cuba, presents us with certain problems. While he himself raises a few factual objections to our account, some of which – including the role of the Communist Party and the working class – are serious and will be considered below the most significant points for him are clearly those of emphasis. According to him we dwell too long on Cuba’s economic structure, on the regimented and bureaucratised aspects of the regime, and not enough on its popularity, but that judgement depends on what political task he regards as most significant. As we shall see there are sharp differences between Blackburn and ourselves here, both as regards workers’ revolution and socialism in general and as regards the perspectives for third World revolution today.
Alt. url:
Robin Blackburn: Class forces in the Cuban Revolution: a reply to Peter Binns and Mike Gonzalez
International Socialism Journal nr. 9, jun 80 – side 81
Note: “Cuba, Castro and Socialism” by Peter Binns and Mike Gonzalez (International Socialism 2:8) represents, in certain limited respects, an advance on the analysis of the Cuba revolution to be found in the pages of International Socialism.
Alt. url:
Mike Gonzalez + Peter Binns + Nigel Harris: Notes and Letters: Cuba
International Socialism Journal nr. 9, jun 80 – side 128
Note: Letter from Nigel Harris on Cuba, Castro and and Socialism in ISJ 2:8 + reply from authors
Peter Binns + Mike Gonzalez: Cuba, Castro and Socialism
International Socialism Journal nr. 8, mar 80 – side 1
Note: Twenty one years have passed since the time Castro’s rebel army, backed by a loose coalition of intellectuals – the 26th July Movement – destroyed the US-backed Batista regime and began to effect fundamental changes in Cuban society. What exactly did it achieve? Does it provide the Third World with an alternative and viable road to socialism to that of Moscow’s stultifying bureaucrats? Can its methods be repeated elsewhere?
Alt. url:
Alt. url:
Sergio Junco + Nick Howard: Yanqui No! Castro No! Cuba Si!
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 7, dec 61 – side 31
Note: A great deal of debate has been taking place concerning the nature and development of present Cuban society; not surprisingly, a number of half-truths have been used by both the capitalist attackers of Castro and by the defenders of the Cuban regime, particularly those defenders of the regime who are followers of the Russian bureaucratic line.
Revolution in Cuba
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 3, dec 60 – side 4
Note: As this editorial was being written news was coming in of American preparations for the invasion of Cuba. By the time it is read the history of the Cuban revolution will have been taken a stage further. But some of the key reasons for defending the Cuban revolution will remain as valid as they are now.
Kevin Edmonds: An elusive independence: Neocolonial intervention in the Caribbean
International Socialism Journal nr. 146, apr 15 – side 167
Note: On the eve of Jamaica’s celebrations marking 50 years of political independence, the Jamaica Gleaner released the results of a poll finding that an estimated 60 percent of Jamaicans believed that they would be better off if they had remained a colony of Britain.
Abbie Bakan: How the IMF wrecked Jamaica
Socialist Worker nr. 2059, jul 07 – side 13
Note: Thirty years ago the US and the IMF moved to destabilise Jamaica’s radical government with disastrous consequences for the population.
Ingrid Lamprecht: Frontlines: Guatemalan Lessons
Socialist Review nr. 315, jun 07 – side 5
Note: Guatemalan teachers have held several strikes this year against attempts by President Oscar Berger to privatise Guatemala's 17,400 state schools.
Trine Christensen: Film: “Pumaens datter”: Kampen for friheden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 110, dec 94 – side 13
Note: I Guatemala har der nu været borgerkrig i over 30 år. Guerillaen, der er støttet af den fattige befolkning og indianerne, kæmper mod militærregimet, der uofficielt bliver støttet af den vestlige verden og CIA.
El Salvador
Mike Gonzalez: A victory for the left in El Salvador?
Socialist Review nr. 335, apr 09 – side 4
Note: El Salvador may be one of Latin America's smallest countries (the size of Wales with a population of around 7 million), but politically it is highly significant.
Ulla Ørsted: Oliver Stone: “Salvador”: En film om en antihelts manglende bevidsthed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 22, sep 86 – side 8
Note: Salvador er en film af instruktøren Oliver Stone.
Jenny Pearce: Uncle Sam’s Backyard – The bloody road to El Salvador
Socialist Review nr. 30, mar 81 – side 6
Note: There have been at least 75 US military interventions in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean in the last century and a half.
Mike Gonzalez: Honduras is not just another banana republic
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 43
Note: The tone of media reports of the events in Honduras has been generally tongue in cheek, as if this were simply another episode in the ongoing tale of banana republics and their regular coups.
Mike Gonzalez: US legitimises right wing coup in Honduras
Socialist Worker nr. 2180, dec 09 – side 2
Note: There was never any possibility that last weekend’s Honduran presidential election would be legitimate.
Mike Gonzalez: Challenging the coup in Honduras (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2161, jul 09 
Note: Trade unions, farmers, student organisations and social movements have called a general strike in Honduras for Thursday of this week. The protest movement has continued and grown since the 28 June coup, despite increasingly brutal repression and the murder of several demonstrators by the army.
Honduras: Thousands resist the coup
Socialist Worker nr. 2159, jul 09 – side 3
Note: Protests against the coup in Honduras have continued despite vicious state repression
Mike Gonzalez: No more heroes: Nicaragua 1996
International Socialism Journal nr. 74, mar 97 – side 73
Note: Nicaragua's revolution has been a cause célebre on the left for many years, as Ken Loach's recent film Carla's Song bears witness. But the left has failed to confront the weakness of the Sandinistas' strategy argues Mike Gonzalez.
Sabby Sagall: Letter from Nicaragua
International Socialism Journal nr. 45, dec 89 – side 113
Note: Sabby Sagall's reflections on his recent visit to Nicaragua.
Jørgen Lund: Nicaragua i klemme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 38, mar 88 – side 10
Note: Den 7. august 1987 underskrev præsidenter fra fem mellemamerikanske lande en såkaldt fredsplan i Guatemala City.
Ole Mølholm Jensen: Folkefronten: Den umulige vej til socialismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 13, okt 85 – side 6
Note: Siden 1935 har mange opfattet folkefrontsstrategien som den eneste mulige vej til socialisme i den ikke-gennemindustrialiserede del af verden. ANC’s kamp mod apartheidregimet i Sydafrika bygger også på folkefrontsstrategien. Men hvad er erfaringerne?
Torben Mønster: Socialisme og den tredje verden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 5, feb 85 – side 4
Note: Siden 2. verdenskrig har mere end halvdelen af jordens befolkning gjort op med gamle, før-kapitalistiske strukturer og kolonialismens lænker.
Vogt jer for efterligninger: Cuba, Nicaragua
Flemming Hansen: Fingrene væk fra Nicaragua
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 3, dec 84 – side 1
Note: Amerikanske krigsskibe ligger og venter i Mellemamerika, dagligt flyver spionfly over Nicaragua. »Los Contras«, resterne af Somozas nationalgarde, trænger ind i landet, myrder, voldta’r og hærger.
Jørgen Lund: »Valget« i Nicaragua
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 2, nov 84 – side 8
Note: Efter valget den 4. november vil FSLN ganske sikkert stadig sidde med magten.
Mike Gonzalez: The Nicaraguan revolution: classes, masses and the Sandinista state
International Socialism Journal nr. 17, sep 82 – side 39
Note: On July 16th, 1979, five people boarded a plane in Costa Rica; they were on their way to Leon, the second city of Nicaragua. The five constituted the Provisional Government of Reconstruction of Nicaragua – a small country of under 3 million people at the strategic heart of Central America. They represented different social forces.
Er oversat til dansk og udgivet som pjece på Internationale Socialisters Forlag
20 December 1989 – George Bush invades Panama: Daddy was a killer too
Socialist Worker nr. 1779, dec 01 – side 8
Note: Residents just after midnight to the dull sound of the Apache helicopter gunships swooping low across the city.
Caspar Diklev: Panama: Noriega får silkesnoren
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 39, maj 88 – side 12
Note: Det amerikanske senats resolution den 25. marts om, at Noriega skal fjernes, var kun sidste kapitel i en lang historie om USA's dominans over det lille land, Panama.
Christian Høgsbjerg: Book review: A spectacular corner of history: writing the Haitian Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 145, jan 15 – side 195
Note: A review of Philip Kaisary, The Haitian Revolution in the Literary Imagination: Radical Horizons, Conservative Constraints (University of Virginia Press, 2014), £25.50
Ryan Ffrench + Emmanuel Broadus: The betrayal of Haiti
Socialist Review nr. 354, jan 11 – side 22
Note: One year on from the devastating earthquake that killed an estimated 300,000 people, ordinary Haitians are still suffering homelessness, cholera and an occupying army. Emmanuel Broadus reports on the situation from Haiti, with photos by Ryan Ffrench.
FN, kolera og ingen hjælp til Haiti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 304, dec 10 – side 11
Note: I begyndelsen af november kom det frem, at nepalesiske FN-soldater var kilden til den koleraepidemi, der har smittet 20.000, hvoraf 1.200 indtil videre er døde. Afsløringerne har ført til store protester mod FN’s tilstedeværelse i Haiti.
Christian Hogsbjerg: CLR James and the Black Jacobins
International Socialism Journal nr. 126, apr 10 – side 95
Note: Aimé Césaire, the late, great Martinican poet and activist, once noted that it was in Haiti that the “colonial problem” was first posed in all its complexity.
Dennis Strøm Petersen: Haiti: Hvorfor krævede jordskælvet 200.000 dræbte?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 295, feb 10 – side 3
Note: Jordskælvet på Haiti vil antagelig kræve over 200.000 dødsofre og har gjort 2 mio. hjemløse – for ca. 20 år siden krævede et lignende jordskælv kun 67 liv i San Francisco.
Charlie Kimber: Hell in Haiti as aid turns to occupation
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 8
Note: For all the talk of aid, ordinary people in Haiti are still waiting for basic supplies – and many have had nothing. Geographer Kenneth Hewitt coined the term “classquake” when examining the 1976 earthquake in Guatemala, because of the accuracy with which it hit the poor.
Jess Hurd: Photographer Jess Hurd reports from Haiti
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 8
Note: This is like Katrina all over again.
I travelled to Port-au-Prince with a group of Haitians living in the US and the Dominican Republic. Their common aim was to ensure that medical supplies were delivered to those who needed them. They also wanted to see if their relatives were safe.
Mark Thomas: How could Haiti win its freedom?
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 10
Note: The people of Haiti have a powerful record of resistance. They have fought back even in the most appalling conditions – from the great slave rebellion in the 1790s, to the movement that destroyed the brutal regime of “Baby Doc” Duvailer in the 1980s.
Book review: Three novels of Haiti by Madison Smartt Bell
Socialist Worker nr. 2186, jan 10 – side 13
Note: The great Haitian revolution of 1791-1803 is one of the most inspiring events in world history. And it is central to understanding what has happened to Haiti since.
Money for Haiti – not war and bankers
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 1
Note: Cancel all debt – US troops are no solution.
Over 100,000 Haitians are dead after a devastating earthquake hit the country last week.
-- Much more on Haiti in this issue.
Viv Smith: Haiti: The real looters are sitting in Washington
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 2
Note: Four days after the disaster in Haiti, the media shifted its attention from images of suffering to those of looting.
IMF forces Haiti into debt slavery
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 2
Note: Two days after the earthquake struck, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) helped to plunge Haiti even deeper into debt slavery.
Haiti: Aid delayed by US interference
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 2
Note: A week into the disaster aid had failed to reach most Haitians as the US pushed aside other agencies, including the Haitian government, to take control of Port-au-Prince.
How US imperialism has devastated Haiti
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 7
Note: Peter Hallward, one of the foremost experts on Haiti’s history, spoke to Socialist Worker
Sadie Robinson: Haiti: Overthrowing slavery and resisting the IMF
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 8
Note: Sadie Robinson looks at the history of Haiti’s struggle against empire.
Haiti timeline
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 8
Note: 1492 – The islands are “discovered” by explorer Christopher Columbus and claimed for Spain as a colony
Haiti: ‘There is no such thing as free hospitals – or flushing toilets’
Socialist Worker nr. 2185, jan 10 – side 9
Note: Leah Gordon visited Haiti last month, before the earthquake. She spoke to Socialist Worker about life there.
Ken Olende: Devastating storm hits poor in Haiti
Socialist Worker nr. 2118, sep 08 – side 6
Note: The Caribbean islands have been struck by three tropical storms – Gustav, Hanna and Ike – in the last three weeks. According to the United Nations (UN) some 600 people have died in Haiti – which is occupied by UN troops – and 650,000 have been made homeless.
Yet the neighbouring island of Cuba rarely suffers deaths during tropical storms.
Sadie Robinson: Crisis in Haiti as World Bank issues food price warning
Socialist Worker nr. 2097, apr 08 – side 3
Note: The global crisis over rising food prices continues to grow. Robert Zoellick, head of the World Bank, warned last Sunday that the price rises have put 100 million lives under threat.
Mark Warren: Coca-Cola fyrer fagforeningsmedlemmer på Haiti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 257, jun 06 – side 15
Note: Det store amerikanske læskedrikfirma Coca-Cola, der i 2005 havde en omsætning på 21 mia. dollars på verdensplan, har en fabrik i Couronne på Haiti med landets værste arbejdsmiljø.
Peter Iversen: Haiti – den evige konflikt
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 226, mar 04 – side 5
Note: Atter en gang har USA, som så mange gange før i historien, besat Haiti. Præsidenten blev sat i et fly, og sendtes til Afrika.
Jan Hoby: Washingtons klamme hånd bag Haiti’s oprør
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 225, feb 04 – side 5
Note: Gennem de sidste 200 år kan Haiti se tilbage på 13 kup og 19 års amerikansk besættelse, racisme, vold og politiske undertrykkelse.
IS mener: USA ud af Haiti
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 3
Note: Med invasionen på Haiti har USA endnu engang demonstreret viljen til med alle midler at forsvare amerikanske investeringer og egne stormagtsinteresser.
Søren Jacobsen: Haiti efter USA’s invasion: Invasion skal beskytte profit
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 108, okt 94 – side 7
Note: USA-invasionen i Haiti betyder ikke demokrati og bedre leveforhold. Invasionen skal beskytte amerikansk big business.
Tom Christiansen: Haiti: Clinton lyver om demokrati
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 106, aug 94 – side 6
Note: USA har fået FNs velsignelse til at invadere Haiti, hvis ikke diktaturets generaler Cedras og Biambi trækker sig tilbage.
Pia Larsen: Haiti: Verden er en diktator mindre
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 17, feb 86 – side 3
Note: Vestens fattigste land slap fornyligt af med den enevældige diktator Jean-Claude Duvalier, også kaldet Baby Doc.

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