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Tema: Klima/global opvarmning

Klima/global opvarmning
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Kloden på kanten: Klima-dystopia
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 362, nov 17 – side 10
Note: “Winter is coming,” sådan lyder advarslerne i verdens mest sete TV-serie og moralen er klar: hvis ikke menneskeheden står sammen og handler, er vi alle dømt til undergang.
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Kloden på kanten: Kan vi stoppe klimakatastrofen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 361, sep 17 – side 3
Note: Det er ikke længere et spørgsmål om, hvornår klimaforandringer sætter ind – de er i gang.
Camilla Royle: Marxism and the Anthropocene
International Socialism Journal nr. 151, jul 16 – side 63
Note: As you read this article every breath you take in contains about 400 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide, around a third more than your great grandparents breathed 100 years ago. As well as leading to potentially catastrophic global warming, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has changed the way plants photosynthesise and has also made seas and lakes more acidic, more so than they have been for the last 800,000 years. The effect human activity is having in the world is on such a huge scale that, for a growing number of thinkers, Earth has entered a new geological epoch defined by human activity. Using the Greek word Anthropos (human) they propose to name this epoch the Anthropocene.
Marie Jæger: FN’s klimapanel: Kurs mod klima-kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 342, dec 14 – side 9
Note: I 2014 forventes den globale udledning af drivhusgasser at stige med 2,5 %. Hvis denne udvikling fortsætter, får vi en temperaturstigning på 4 grader eller mere inden år 2100. Det er en af konklusionerne i en ny rapport fra FN’s klimapanel, IPCC.
Martin Empson: Climate change: it’s even worse than we thought
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 195
Note: Whatever else it is remembered for, 2012 is likely to go down in history as the year when climate change began noticeably to change the face of the planet. The trends we are beginning to see mean that global warming is going to get far worse, far quicker than anyone expected.
Camilla Royle: Review: Climate of conflict
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 218
Note: Harald Welzer, Climate Wars: What People Will be Killed for in the 21st Century (Polity, 2012), £20
In this translation of a book originally published in German in 2007, Harald Welzer makes a gloomy argument: that climate change is already causing dramatic changes to people’s lives and that violence is always an option as a response to these changes. Using examples from the Vietnam War, the Rwandan genocide, the collapse of the Easter Island civilisation, Darfur and, in particular, the Holocaust, he attempts to explain not just the causes of extreme violence but the way violence is sustained and becomes part of a “violence economy”.
Owen McCormack: The age of extremes: new developments in climate change
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 1, mar 12 – side 44
Note: For socialists the last period is testimony to Lenin’s off quoted “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” From the Arab spring to the occupy movements, to the global fight against austerity, the pace of historic events has quickened dramatically. Yet in the middle of these events another development has taken place seemingly separate to, yet inextricably linked with, the overall crisis of capital.
Alt. url: PDF
Marie Jæger: Dystre klima-prognoser
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 310, jul 11 – side 12
Note: I 2010 blev 30,6 gigaton CO2 ledt ud i Jordens atmosfære, de største CO2-udledninger nogensinde og en drastisk stigning i forhold til foregående år.
Green deal is a con
Socialist Worker nr. 2252, maj 11 – side 2
Note: Energy secretary Chris Huhne was set to unveil his new “green deal” in parliament as Socialist Worker went to press. Much was made of the idea that it would include a legally binding target for cutting carbon emissions—a first in the world. But the targets may not be legally binding—Britain may be able to “opt-out” of them.
Anders Bæk Simonsen: Høje fødevarepriser giver appetit på forandring
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 13
Note: Fødevarepriserne har nu nået et rekordhøjt niveau og overstiger prisniveauet umiddelbart før finanskrisen. Det medfører social uro, som vi senest har set i hele Nordafrika, men også andre steder har der været opstande.
Suzanne Jeffery: Why we should be sceptical of climate sceptics
International Socialism Journal nr. 129, jan 11 – side 171
Note: Climate science came massively under attack in 2010. Leaked emails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia were spun by the right wing media to claim that climate scientists had hidden and manipulated data. The affair was dubbed “Climategate”.
Jørn Andersen: Klimakommissionens rapport: Klima- eller energi-politik?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 302, okt 10 – side 5
Note: Da klima- og energiminister Lykke Friis få dage før Klimakommissionens rapport skulle formulere sine forventninger til den, nævnte hun ikke „klima“ eller „CO2-reduktion“ med ét ord. Hendes fokus var energi-forsynings-sikkerhed (Information 23.9).
Jakob L. Krogh: Kan negativ økonomisk vækst løse klimakrisen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 299, jul 10 – side 10
Note: Under klimatopmøde-demonstrationen 12. december havde den største blok parolen „System Change – Not Climate Change“. Mange af disse klimaaktivister havde en grundlæggende kapitalisme-kritik.
Peter Iversen: Den falske grønne bølge
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 297, apr 10 – side 15
Note: De store energiselskaber i USA er ved at løbe tør for fossile brændstoffer – nu vil de igen kaste sig over atomkraft.
Robert Lange: Klimagæld og global retfærdighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 296, mar 10 – side 9
Note: Det skuffende COP15 topmøde er efterhånden overstået for længst, spørgsmålene er endnu ubesvarede, og den så højt besungede handling er totalt udeblevet. Klimagæld er et af de væsentligste elementer i en retfærdig fordeling af den globale opvarmnings byrder og en del af løsningen på den globale opvarmning.
Suzanne Jeffery: Real agenda of climate deniers
Socialist Worker nr. 2192, mar 10 – side 11
Note: We are witnessing a frenzy of climate “scepticism”
Fred Pearce: In my opinion: The 'population bomb'
Socialist Review nr. 345, mar 10 – side 7
Note: The "population bomb" is on the environmental agenda once more. Green guru Jonathon Porritt recently lambasted the politically correct for ignoring the demographic elephant in the living room – "exponential population growth". Is he right?
Rikke Holm: Klimaproblemer: Er vi for mange mennesker i verden?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 295, feb 10 – side 10
Note: Et af argumenterne i klimadebatten er, at overbefolkning er skyld i klimaproblemerne. Problemet med denne påstand er, at den er historisk ukorrekt, bygger på falske præmisser, fjerner fokus fra de virkelige problemer og peger hen imod de helt forkerte løsninger.
Sadie Robinson: Climate change: Right wing lies are snow joke
Socialist Worker nr. 2184, jan 10 – side 3
Note: Sections of the right wing media have gone on the offensive – over snow. The Daily Express newspaper has even run a front page and several articles claiming that the cold weather proves that global warming is a sham. But it is the Daily Express’s arguments that are false, not those of climate scientists and activists.
Jesper Høi Kanne: ’Go Veggie’ – men det vil ikke redde planeten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 294, jan 10 – side 5
Note: På venstrefløjen og i klimabevægelsen kan man under tiden møde argumenter om, at vi alle bør være vegetarer for at redde klimaet og „leve rigtigt“.
Sadie Robinson: Climate questions: Why there’s no such thing as ‘clean coal’
Socialist Worker nr. 2182, dec 09 – side 6
Note: In the final column of this series Sadie Robinson looks at why ‘carbon capture’ has no answers.
John Parrington: Climate change: Don’t get blinded by science
Socialist Worker nr. 2181, dec 09 – side 12
Note: This week the hard right has tried to muddy the waters over the reality of climate change.
Anne A. Lange + Christine Kyndi: Hvorfor kan klimakrisen ikke løses på markedets præmisser?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 293, dec 09 – side 10
Note: Truslen fra global opvarmning kræver radikale løsninger. Den måde, der produceres på under kapitalismen, er i konflikt med naturen og skal ændres fundamentalt for at forhindre de truende klimaforandringer. Men kan kapitalismen rumme en grøn revolution?
Sadie Robinson: Climate questions: Trading the planet's future on credits and carbon offsetting
Socialist Worker nr. 2180, dec 09 – side 6
Note: In the first part of our new series on questions that face the movement against climate change, Sadie Robinson examines the problems with carbon markets.
Tom Walker: We don't have to abandon industrial progress to beat climate change
Socialist Worker nr. 2180, dec 09 – side 8
Note: The problem is not technology – it is what capitalism has done with it.
Sadie Robinson: Climate change: We need to look for collective solutions
Socialist Worker nr. 2180, dec 09 – side 9
Note: Growing concerns about climate change, fuelled by the failure of governments to address the problem, have led many people to ask what they can do to stop the destruction of the environment.
Is global warming all your fault?
Socialist Worker nr. 2180, dec 09 – side 9
Note: Small changes in individual lifestyles are promoted as the best we can achieve.
Martin Empson: Can we change the world enough to save the planet?
Socialist Worker nr. 2180, dec 09 – side 9
Note: Capitalism is causing climate chaos. It is a system based on blind competition between companies, each trying to make the most money. They see the natural world as something to be exploited for short term gain – a seemingly endless mine of resources and an infinitely large rubbish bin for waste.
Martin Empson: Capitalism and Climate Change: Accumulating Chaos
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 10
Note: As world leaders gather at the Cohenhagen summit to discuss climate change, Martin Empson argues that the market cannot save the planet – we need a mass movement.
Martin Empson: Climate change: Capitalism's inbuilt obsolescence
Socialist Review nr. 342, dec 09 – side 14
Note: The economic driving force of capitalism is the need to accumulate wealth – to make profits.
Jonathan Neale: 2012 and climate change: Off screen, real disaster looms
Socialist Worker nr. 2179, nov 09 – side 4
Note: Socialist Worker asked me to go see the new film 2012 and to use the review as an excuse to riff on climate change. So I went. At the end of the film my date said, “Good luck writing a review of that.”
Sadie Robinson: Is China to blame for climate change?
Socialist Worker nr. 2179, nov 09 – side 4
Note: Bitter rows over who is responsible for climate change lie behind much of the dithering by world leaders in the run up to the United Nations climate talks in Copenhagen next month.
John Stewart: Flyselskaberne udsender flere usandheder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 10
Note: Flyselskaberne påstår, at de vil skære drastisk ned på deres CO2-udledninger. Men det er alt sammen greenwash, skriver John Stewart
Alt. url: Airline bosses emit more untruths
Anne A. Lange: Film: The Age of Stupid
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 11
Note: I år 2055 er verden dybt forandret. London er oversvømmet, sneen er væk fra Alperne, Las Vegas er druknet i ørkenen og Sydney brænder. I et tårn 800km. nord for Norge ligger alle jordens kulturelle, videnskabelige og biologiske „værdier“ som i Noahs ark gemt i et arkiv. I dette arkiv sidder en mand og ser tilbage på nutiden.
Martin B. Johansen: John Bellamy Foster: The Ecological Revolution: Økologi og socialisme – to sider af samme sag?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 292, okt 09 – side 15
Note: Efterhånden er det kun et lille mindretal af blinde og døve, som under indflydelse af typer som Bjørn Lomborg betvivler klimaproblemernes alvorlige omfang. Det store spørgsmål er snarere, hvor radikalt det er nødvendigt at gå til værks for at undgå en miljømæssig katastrofe i løbet af dette århundrede.
Robert Lange: Kommentar: Red miljøet og skab arbejde
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 290, aug 09 – side 7
Note: Hvad der er galt? Det kræver intet geni at indse, at klimaforandringerne er en realitet og en af de største udfordringer, menneskeheden endnu har stået over for. For at imødegå disse udfordringer kræver det, at vi omorganiserer samfundet på ganske radikal vis, samt en enorm, og vigtigst af alt, kollektiv arbejdsindsats.
Klima: Hvad siger videnskaben?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 290, aug 09 – side 12
Note: For kun et par år siden ville politikerne helst ikke høre om rapporterne fra FN’s klimapanel. I dag klynger de sig til dem.
Vestas workers occupy: 'A fight for jobs and the planet'
Socialist Worker nr. 2161, jul 09 – side 1
Note: Workers at Vestas, the UK’s only wind turbine manufacturer, occupied their factory in Newport, Isle of Wight on Monday evening against plans to close it. Dave is one of the ­occupying workers. He spoke to Socialist Worker on Tuesday.
Vestas: Workers’ action can save the planet
Socialist Worker nr. 2161, jul 09 – side 2
Note: Jonathan Neale of the Campaign Against Climate Change spoke to Socialist Worker about the importance of the fight at Vestas.
Chris Bambery: G8 fail people and planet
Socialist Worker nr. 2160, jul 09 – side 2
Note: The G8 summit of world leaders held in L’Aquila in Italy committed itself to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050. But the meeting failed to make short-term targets to reduce emissions.
Jørn Andersen: Klima: James Hansen i København
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 287, mar 09 – side 8
Note: „Der er en stor kløft mellem hvad videnskaben forstår og hvad der er kendt blandt politikerne og i offentligheden om den globale opvarmning.“
Sådan indledte klimaforskeren James Hansen et offentligt møde på Det Fri Gymasium i København 11. marts.
Jørn Andersen: Klima: Hvem kan stoppe den globale opvarmning?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 287, mar 09 – side 9
Note: Hvis man læser rapporten fra FN’s klimapanel eller en af de mange bøger, der det seneste år er udkommet om klimatruslen, så er det ikke svært at indse, at der skal handles – og at det skal ske nu.
Chris Harman: In perspective: Slump, boom and climate change
Socialist Review nr. 334, mar 09 – side 21
Note: From the European Union to Barack Obama, promises have been made to give priority to a "green agenda". In reality, they are using the recession to go into reverse.
Sadie Robinson: Don’t buy Gordon Brown’s lies on Heathrow expansion
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 6
Note: As the government approves Heathrow expansion plans, Sadie Robinson looks at the myths of job creation and “green” aviation – and how we can resist.
Patrick Ward: Climate change: radical solutions needed
Socialist Review nr. 332, jan 09 – side 6
Note: Building a Low-Carbon Economy, Lord Adair Turner's 511 page report, made interesting Xmas reading for environmental campaigners. Produced by the Committee on Climate Change, which Turner chairs, it is the government plan to drag the world out of the clutches of uncontrolled climate change.
Martin Empson: Climate change: Poznan talks offer little hope
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 – side 3
Note: Anyone who hoped that the recent international climate treaty meeting in Poznan, Poland, would come up with a solution to climate change will be severely disappointed.
Kelly Hilditch: Thousands march to demand climate action
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 2
Note: Around 10,000 people marched in London last Saturday at a demonstration called by the Campaign Against Climate Change. The march was young, noisy – and prepared to take direct action.
Mikkel Birk Jespersen: Strategi og politik i klimakampen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 284, dec 08 – side 2
Note: Hvordan vi vinder kampen om klimaet – og hvordan vi ikke gør det
Sadie Robinson: Climate change: Burning the world to keep up profits
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 – side 9
Note: Britain’s carbon emissions, the major cause of global warming, are set to increase despite the passing of Britain’s first ever Climate Change Bill last week.
Editorial: Why is there no cash to bail out the planet?
Socialist Worker nr. 2125, nov 08 – side 12
Note: Our rulers are using the global recession as an excuse to cut back on measures to tackle climate change. So Franco Frattini, Italy’s foreign minister, demanded “flexibility” on the European Union’s target to cut carbon emissions by 20 percent by 2020 last week, arguing that it is not affordable.
Jørn Andersen: Fra Kyoto til København: Skal fiaskoen gentages?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 282, okt 08 – side 14
Note: Thi kendes for ret: 10 års klimapolitik siden Kyoto-aftalen i 1997 har været en total fiasko.
Jørn Andersen: Klimadebat på ESF i Malmö
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 282, okt 08 – side 14
Note: På Europas Sociale Forum i Malmö i september var klimakampen et af de centrale temaer.
Jørn Andersen: Kan vi stoppe klimakatastrofen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 281, aug 08 – side 10
Note: Alle ved efterhånden, at vi står over for en klimakatastrofe, hvis ikke der bliver „gjort noget“.Og „noget“ ikke bare handler om at skifte til el-spare-pærer og huske at slukke fjernsynet, men at der skal ske store ting. Det kan ikke vente 10-20 år, men skal i gang nu. De tekniske løsninger findes. Problemet er politisk.
Guy Smallman: Climate protesters defy police at Kingsnorth power station
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 2
Note: The week-long climate camp in Kent climaxed last Saturday with mass civil disobedience at the Kingsnorth power station, in which some protesters managed to enter the station’s site.
Martin Empson: What sort of society can save the planet?
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 13
Note: A sustainable future requires a radical break with capitalism, argues Martin Empson
Paul McGarr: Book review: What’s wrong, and what can be done
International Socialism Journal nr. 119, jul 08 – side 173
Note: Jonathan Neale, Stop Global Warming: Change the World (Bookmarks, 2008), £11.99
UN food summit ducks the issues
Socialist Worker nr. 2104, jun 08 – side 3
Note: World leaders were meeting at the United Nations world food summit in Rome as Socialist Worker went to press. The summit takes place in the shadow of a drastic rise in the global price of staple foods that is causing hunger for millions.
Ed Warburton: Heathrow: Third runway flies in face of good sense
Socialist Review nr. 326, jun 08 – side 6
Note: As Socialist Review went to press protesters were due to converge on Heathrow in a demonstration to oppose the airport's expansion.
Simon Basketter: Heathrow airport's strange history of evasion and expansion
Socialist Worker nr. 2103, maj 08 – side 8
Note: The expansion of Heathrow airport is part of a plan hatched at its very inception.
Jonathan Neale: ‘We must change the system to stop climate change’
Socialist Worker nr. 2103, maj 08 – side 9
Note: The fight to save the planet has thrown up questions over what measures are needed to stop abrupt climate change, the alternatives to carbon emitting fuels and how we could reorganise society. Jonathan Neale spoke to Socialist Worker about his forthcoming book, Stop Climate Change – Change the World!
Almuth Ernsting: Frontlines: Fuel for thought
Socialist Review nr. 325, maj 08 – side 4
Note: As of 15 April, all petrol and diesel sold at British filling stations has to be blended with biofuels.
Filip Nicolaisen: Der er dømt nøl i dansk klima-politik
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 278, apr 08 – side 7
Note: Klimatopmødet i Danmark 2009 nærmer sig med hastige skridt, hvilket planetens kritiske tilstand desværre også gør. I dag findes der allerede en lang række af teknologisk muligheder, der kunne gøre meget for vores fælles fremtid, men „vores“ politikere har desværre svært ved at få gjort noget ved problemet.
Martin Empson: Book review: Plan B 3.0
Socialist Review nr. 324, apr 08 – side 26
Note: Lester R Brown, WW Norton, £10.99
There is a very real threat to human civilisation if climate change is allowed to get out of control. Our planet is already experiencing significant changes that give an indication of the problems to come. Billions of people face the possibility of premature death from disease, starvation, flooding or the wars that result as nations struggle for access to limited natural resources.
Jørn Andersen: Klimabevægelsen: Bevægelsen er stiftet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 2
Note: 100-150 mennesker deltog i Klimabevægelsens stiftende landsmøde 2. marts.
New eco-towns will help wreck planet
Socialist Worker nr. 2089, feb 08 – side 5
Note: The government is set to announce the development of ten new “eco-towns”, which it says will help fight the danger of climate chaos.
But far from helping save the planet, the plans threaten further damage while handing over even more power to large corporations.
Jørn Andersen: Dansk klima-kaos
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 276, feb 08 – side 5
Note: Hvad har demonstrationer i Indonesien mod stigende fødevarepriser med Connie Hedegaard at gøre?
Jørn Andersen: Klima: Kloden brænder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 275, jan 08 – side 10
Note: For få år siden var “global opvarmning” noget som kun klima-forskere og nogle få miljø-freaks snakkede om. I 2007 blev det et spørgsmål, som alle har en mening om. Selv Fogh havde det med – som en sidebemærkning – i sin nytårstale. Men hvad handler det om? Hvor stort er problemet? Og kan vi gøre noget ved det?
Bali Summit: Our world left to burn
Socialist Worker nr. 2082, dec 07 – side 1
Note: George Bush and Gordon Brown put profits before planet
Martin Empson: Bali Summit: A wasted opportunity to save the planet
Socialist Worker nr. 2082, dec 07 – side 6
Note: We should force the richer nations to take responsibility for climate change.
Sadie Robinson: Thousands march against threat of climate change
Socialist Worker nr. 2081, dec 07 – side 2
Note: Some 10,000 people protested in London on Saturday of last week as part of a global day of action against climate change
Suzanne Jeffery: Free markets won’t stop climate chaos
Socialist Worker nr. 2080, dec 07 – side 4
Note: Up until recently many ordinary people were uncertain as to whether global warming was happening at all, let alone what the causes were of any changes in the climate. For millions, such doubt has now disappeared in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence and the increasingly apparent reality of a changing climate.
Sadie Robinson: Climate change: A global day of action to save the planet
Socialist Worker nr. 2079, dec 07 – side 3
Note: Millions of people across the globe will take part in a day of action against climate change on 8 December.
Jonathan Neale: Will it take a ban on flying to stop climate change?
Socialist Worker nr. 2073, okt 07 – side 12
Note: Stopping global warming means cutting air travel. Jonathan Neale looks at how this could be done without targeting the poor
Gareth Dale: “On the menu or at the table”: corporations and climate change
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 117
Note: “Another World Is Possible!” announces a placard held by a demonstrator on an unspecified global justice movement protest. The photograph is the background graphic of an advert. Above it the Shell logo. The advert is for a conference sponsored by the oil giant, entitled “Climate Change: Is Business Doing Enough?”
Sadie Robinson: Heathrow Camp: Climate protesters shift the agenda
Socialist Worker nr. 2065, aug 07 – side 4
Note: Despite all the press smears and police harassment, the Heathrow camp has highlighted the issue of climate change.
Chris Harman: Klimaet og klassekampen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 271, aug 07 – side 10
Note: Den globale opvarmning truer hele menneskeheden. Men skal den bekæmpes, kræver det mere end individuelle handlinger, hensigtserklæringer fra regeringen eller at droppe alle andre sager.
Esther Leslie: Cinema and the environment: Spectacle of disaster
Socialist Worker nr. 2059, jul 07 – side 12
Note: Film representations of environmental disasters may fascinate audiences, but they gloss over class issues.
Esme Choonara: Biofuels are not an eco solution
Socialist Worker nr. 2058, jul 07 – side 8
Note: Fuel made from plants will cause more problems than it solves, writes Esme Choonara
Martin Empson: Climate change: Signposts on the road to disaster
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 27
Note: The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, published in February 2007, paints a grim picture.
Martin Empson: Review: Hot stuff: coming to terms with nature
International Socialism Journal nr. 114, apr 07 – side 196
Note: A review of Leo Panitch and Colin Leys (eds), Coming to Terms with Nature: Socialist Register 2007 (Merlin Press, 2006), £14.95
Jonathan Neale: Climate change: Government carbon bill does not go far enough
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 5
Note: Jonathan Neale discusses whether new proposals to cut Britain’s greenhouse gas emissions will help to stop climate change
Mark Lynas: ‘It’s up to us, not the government’
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 5
Note: Mark Lynas’s new book Six Degrees looks at the impact that the projected rise in temperature will have on people’s lives. He spoke to Socialist Worker.
Norm Dixon: Lav systemet om – ikke klimaet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 265, feb 07 – side 12
Note: Al Gores film „An Inconvenient Truth“ har hjulpet til med at sætte fokus på omfanget af den globale miljøkrise. Norm Dixon argumentere her for at klimaforandringerne i høj grad skyldes kapitalismen.
Martin B. Johansen: Atomkraft er ikke løsningen på drivhusproblemet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 264, jan 07 – side 8
Note: Det historisk varme efterår og den indtil nu ekstremt milde vinter tegner et billede af, at klimaforandringer ikke er en dyster fremtidsudsigt – de er her allerede.
Mike Haynes: Book review: Taking precautions (global warming)
International Socialism Journal nr. 109, dec 05 – side 177
Note: A review of Andrew Simms: "Ecological Debt: The Health of the Planet and the Wealth of Nations" (Pluto Press, 2005), £12.99 + Steven P McGiffen: "Biotechnology: Corporate Power Versus Public Interest" (Pluto Press, 2005), £15.99
Mark Thomas: Feedback: Transport and climate change—a reply to James Woodcock
International Socialism Journal nr. 109, dec 05 – side 200
Note: In International Socialism 108 James Woodcock took issue with some of Paul McGarr’s arguments about the role transport under capitalism plays in the growing threat of climate change (see International Socialism 107). In particular, James offers some sharp criticisms of the idea that public transport is the solution to the environmental and other costs of transport under capitalism.
Jacob Middleton: Teori for bevægelsen: Kapitalisme og global opvarmning
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 249, nov 05 – side 8
Note: John Bellamy Foster har talt med Jakob Middleton om hvordan, han mener, bevægelsen bør reagere på klimaforandringerne.
Tony Staunton: Degrees of Danger (interview with Mark Lynas about climate change)
Socialist Review nr. 300, okt 05 – side 22
Note: After Hurricane Katrina we can't ignore the threat of climate change, as Mark Lynas explains to Tony Staunton.
Sally Kincaid: Books Review: Ruling Class Denial (Andrew Simms: "Ecological Debt")
Socialist Review nr. 300, okt 05 – side 40
Note: The publication of this book is extremely timely, coming as it does as the effects of climate change are having devastating consequences in the Southern states of the US.
Review of 'Ecological Debt', Andrew Simms, Pluto £12.99.
James Woodcock: Feedback: Transport and climate change
International Socialism Journal nr. 108, sep 05 – side 204
Note: In the last issue of this journal Paul McGarr started a welcome debate on climate change. His analysis of the magnitude of the problem is spot on as are many of the solutions he proposes but I want to argue that a different kind of transport is both desirable and necessary.
Jonathan Neale: Ecology against Capitalism: Put the Heat on Governments
Socialist Review nr. 298, jul 05 – side 20
Note: We can deal with the challenge of climate change, argues Jonathan Neale.
Mike Davis: Ecology against Capitalism: Slum Ecology
Socialist Review nr. 298, jul 05 – side 23
Note: Urban poverty and climatic hazards are a deadly cocktail for millions, as Mike Davis explains.
Paul McGarr: On the road to catastrophe: Capitalism and climate change
International Socialism Journal nr. 107, jun 05 – side 96
Note: Climate change is now recognised to be a major threat to the world by everyone outside the Bush administration and oil giant Exxon. But greenhouse gases are pouring into the atmosphere in increasing quantities. Paul McGarr argues that there are easy solutions, but they cannot be achieved without militant anti-capitalist struggle.
Harry Magdoff + John Bellamy Foster + Robert McChesney: Review: The Day After Tomorrow: what if this film is not fiction?
Socialist Worker nr. 1904, jun 04 – side 8
Note: Hollywood blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow paints a bleak picture of global climate change. The danger is all too real, argue Professor John Bellamy Foster, Robert McChesney and Harry Magdoff
Frank Antonsen: Oversvømmelser: Ingen tvivl om global opvarmning
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 206, sep 02 – side 8
Note: Overalt i medierne har man de sidste uger kunnet se billeder af de oversvømmelser, der har ramt store dele af Centraleuropa.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Klima-topmødet i Haag: Fortsat kurs mod afgrunden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 5
Note: Den globale opvarmning har det fint. Og efter FN’s miljøkonference i Haag i slutningen af november, er der intet til hindring for, at vi får subtropiske eller polar-tilstande i Danmark.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Klimaændringer på vej
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 182, maj 00 – side 7
Note: Som beskrevet et andet sted på siden, har Jordkloden det seneste halve år oplevet mange naturkatastrofer.
Paul McGarr: Shock new warning: Temperatures could rise like never before
Socialist Worker nr. 1672, nov 99 – side 8
Note: CATACLYSMIC NEW evidence of the threat of global warming emerged last week. As government ministers from across the world met to discuss the issue in Germany, scientists warned that global temperatures could rise faster than at any time in Earth's history.
Konni Nørlem: FN-klimakonference i Buenos Aires: Profit vejer tungere end miljøet
Socialistisk Revy nr. 10, dec 98 – side 12
Note: Fraværet af nye, endsige positive resultater på den nys afholdte FN-klimakonference i Buenos Aires er desværre et eksempel på, hvordan kapitalinteresser er stærkere end hensynet til det globale miljø.
Klimatopmøde i ruiner: Masser af snak, men miljøsvinene går fri
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 172, dec 97 – side 1
Note: Allerede inden klimatopmødet i Kyoto startede, var det klart, at heller ikke denne gang kommer der andet end tomme løfter ud af de mange dages snak.
Martin B. Johansen: Kyoto-konferencen drukner i snak mens...: Klimaet går amok
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 172, dec 97 – side 4
Note: Selvom verdens miljøproblemer teknisk set er til at løse, vil klimakonferencen i Kyoto næppe resultere i andet end udenomssnak og fine hensigter.
Ingen regeringer har mod på at gribe ind overfor miljøsvinene – først og fremmest olie- og bilindustrien.
Martin B. Johansen: Socialister og Videnskab: Truer forureningen vores fremtid?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 99, jan 94 – side 15
Note: Et stop for forurening og misbrug af jordens resurser, kræver et opgør med den fri konkurrence.

Der blev fundet 102 artikler


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