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Tema: Egypten

Se også: Se også: Mellemøsten; Cairo-konference 2002-

Se også: Mellemøsten; Cairo-konference 2002-
Sameh Naguib: Egyptens diktator er under pres
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Egypten er under forandring, og efterhånden som besættelser, demonstrationer og strejker vokser, så gør selvtilliden det også. Venstrefløjen må tage udfordringen op, siger den revolutionære socialist Sameh Naguib.
Judith Orr: Håbet er ikke dødt i Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 349, nov 15 
Note: For fem år siden i denne måned udløste protester i Tunesien revolutioner, mest omfattende i Egypten. Socialist Worker’s Judith Orr har talt med Sameh Naguib om disse begivenheder – og om læren for socialister.
John Molyneux: Lessons from the Egyptian Revolution
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 13, jun 15 – side 18
Note: The Egyptian Revolution of January 25 to February 11 2011 has been the greatest revolutionary struggle of the 21st century to date.
Judith Orr: Interview: Hvordan vælter vi det egyptiske regime?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 342, dec 14 – side 15
Note: Et ledende medlem af Revolutionære Socialister i Egypten har talt med Judith Orr om kontrarevolutionens indflydelse – og om udsigterne til nye kampe.
Phil Marfleet: Egypt: after the coup
International Socialism Journal nr. 142, apr 14 – side 13
Note: The military coup of July 2013 was a serious setback for the revolutionary movement in Egypt. For army leader Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi it was an act of rescuing the revolution: for Egypt’s radical activists it was a counter-revolutionary offensive aimed to end the uprising that began in January 2011. The coup has been followed by sustained attacks on activists, by mass arrests and the return of torture and abuse characteristic of the Hosni Mubarak era.
Sameh Naguib: The Egyptian Revolution must spread to win
Socialist Worker nr. 2362, jul 13 – side 6
Note: When we say the Egyptian Revolution is permanent, it’s not just that it literally hasn’t stopped since 2011. It’s that revolutions don’t happen in a vacuum. Egypt and Tunisia are well integrated into world capitalism, and the revolutions have been expressions of the crisis in that system.
Revolutionære Socialister, Egypten: Occupy the squares: stand firm in the face of the conspiracy by the Brotherhood and America
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 
Note: Statement from the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt, 6 July 2013
Revolutionære Socialister, Egypten: Freedom is in the hands of the people, and not of the military and the guards
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 
Note: Statement from the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists, 9 July 2013
Judith Orr: Egypt – a second revolution sweeps out a president
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 4
Note: Ordinary people in Egypt have shown their power—but the army wants to stifle it, writes Judith Orr.
Mohamed Ahmed Salem: Egypt: ‘We are still on the streets’
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 5
Note: In Tanta we started our protests early, when a new governor from the Brotherhood was appointed.
Sameh Naguib: Egypt: ‘People have gained huge confidence’
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 5
Note: Revolutionary Socialist Sameh Naguib reported from Cairo the day after protests forced out president Mohamed Mursi.
Fatma Ramadan: Egypt: ‘Unions need to raise workers’ demands’
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 5
Note: I speak in a personal capacity, not on behalf of the unions, because whenever there is a split in society, there’s one within the unions.
Gigi Ibrahim: Fighting harassment in Cairo’s Tahrir Square
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 6
Note: Sexual harassment is very common in Egypt. We have set up organisations to challenge it in Tahrir Square. Statistics say over 99 percent of Egyptian women have been sexually harassed at some point in their lives.
Sameh Naguib: Egypt: Get ready to change the world
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 14
Note: The Revolutionary Socialists sprung from underground to play a leading role in Egypt’s revolt. Sameh Naguib explains how they built a party to shape the struggle.
Sameh Naguib: Egypt: Who leads the movement?
Socialist Worker nr. 2361, jul 13 – side 15
Note: Revolutionaries try to organise the vanguard—the most advanced sections of the movement who can take a lead in the struggle.
Sameh Naguib: Egypt’s revolution erupts: The masses speak
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 – side 1
Note: Mass protests in Egypt last Sunday were the beginning of a second revolution.
Mahienour El-Massry: ‘Egypt's revolution has made people mighty’
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 – side 3
Note: We witnessed in Alexandria the largest protests we have seen since Mubarak fell in 11 February 2011—perhaps even bigger than that.
Protests spread across Egypt
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 – side 3
Note: Across Egypt protesters targeted the local headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice party.
Anne Alexander: Egypt’s revolution in a small town
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 – side 10
Note: The return of millions to the streets of Egypt on 30 June follows months of rising social protest. Anne Alexander reports on the continuing revolution that is growing in strength well beyond Cairo’s Tahrir Square.
Sameh Naguib: Egypt: Four days that shook the world
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 
Note: What happened on 30 June was, without the slightest doubt, the historic beginning of a new wave of the Egyptian revolution—the largest wave since January 2011.
Jørn Andersen: Egypten mellem håb og elendighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 330, jul 13 – side 9
Note: I starten af maj begyndte en gruppe revolutionære aktivister at samle underskrifter på en kort erklæring på hverdags-arabisk om mistillid til Mohamed Morsi, Egyptens første demokratisk valgte præsident, med krav om nyvalg. Deres mål var 15 millioner underskrifter på ét års-dagen for Morsis indsættelse 30. juni.
Sameh Naguib: Second revolution brings down Egypt’s president
Socialist Worker nr. 2360, jul 13 
Note: Sameh Naguib of the Revolutionary Socialists reports from Cairo, where mass celebrations greeted the removal of president Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday evening.
Sameh Naguib: Den anden revolution vælter Egyptens præsident
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 329, maj 13 
Note: Sameh Naguib fra Revolutionære Socialister i Egypten rapporter fra Cairo, hvor fjernelsen af præsident Mohamed Morsi blev fejret onsdag aften.
Phil Marfleet: Egypt: The workers advance
International Socialism Journal nr. 139, jul 13 – side 57
Note: A striking feature of Egypt’s Revolution is the extraordinary number of people engaged in struggles in the streets and workplaces, and in formal and informal organisations. The absolute numbers, together with the proportion of the population involved and the continuity of their struggle, may mark the Egyptian upheaval as unique in modern history.
Anne Alexander: Egypt’s rebels
Socialist Review nr. 382, jul 13 – side 4
Note: Like many of the things which have changed history, the “Rebel” campaign in Egypt started with a very simple idea. At the beginning of May, a group of young revolutionary activists launched a drive to collect signatures on a statement withdrawing confidence from president Mohammed Morsi and calling for early elections.
Pernille Cauchi: Egypten 2 år efter – modstanden fortsætter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 327, mar 13 – side 4
Note: Egyptisk politi affyrede vandkanoner mod stenkastende demonstranter foran præsidentpaladset, da oppositionen i februar samledes for at markere toårsdag for at have væltet diktatoren Hosni Mubarak.
Port Said cops kill protesters
Socialist Worker nr. 2343, mar 13 – side 8
Note: Police in Egypt’s Port Said killed three protesters and injured 500 in clashes last weekend.
Mahienour El-Massry: Eyewitness Egypt: ‘Never lose faith in the revolution’
Socialist Worker nr. 2343, mar 13 – side 10
Note: Mahienour El-Massry, a leading member of the Revolutionary Socialists in Alexandria, Egypt, spoke to Socialist Worker about the ongoing revolution and the role that women have played in it.
Videos of ISJ “Marxism and Revolution Today” event
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 
Note: Video recordings of the weekend school held by International Socialism on 22 and 23 September 2012.
Phil Marfleet: “Never going back”: Egypt’s continuing revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 35
Note: For 35 years Egypt was a laboratory for neoliberalism—a local state in which hegemonic world powers and financial institutions played out their strategies for the global economy. It was also a stage on which the United States and its allies rehearsed policy for control of key assets in the Global South.
Anders Bæk Simonsen: Egypten: Nervekrig mellem militæret og revolutionen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 321, jul 12 – side 10
Note: Den kommende tid bliver en endnu hårdere magtkamp imellem militæret på den ene side og de revolutionære kræfter på den anden.
Egypt: Who will stand in election?
Socialist Worker nr. 2298, apr 12 – side 3
Note: Egypt’s first presidential elections since the revolution that toppled dictator Hosni Mubarak will begin on 23 May. The restrictions on who can stand are still to be decided.
Revolutionære Socialister, Egypten: Egyptens Revolutionære Socialister udsender erklæring om valget
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 
Note: Egypterne går til stemmeurnerne den 23. og 24. maj ved landets første præsidentvalg, siden revolutionen væltede tidligere diktatoren Hosni Mubarak sidste år.
Anders Bæk Simonsen + Jacob Svendsen: Anmeldelse: En politisk analyse og øjenvidneberetning: Sameh Naguib: Den egyptiske revolution
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 318, mar 12 – side 13
Note: ”Der er årtier hvor intet sker, og der er uger hvor årtier sker”. Dette citat af Lenin påbegynder forfatteren Sameh Naguibs centrale kapitel om de 18 dage det tog at fjerne den neoliberale diktator Mubarak.
Dalia Said Mostafa + Regi Pilling + Siobhan Brown: Women and revolution
Socialist Review nr. 367, mar 12 – side 18
Note: International Women’s Day, 8 March, was established by socialists to celebrate the struggles of working class women. We look at how the fight for women’s liberation and revolution has gone hand in hand with three great revolutions – in Russia in 1917, Spain in 1936-37 and Egypt today.
Anne Alexander: The workers’ movement in Egypt
Socialist Review nr. 367, mar 12 – side 24
Note: A call for a general strike in Egypt on 11 February didn’t produce the desired effect. Yet the current strike wave shows no signs of abating. Anne Alexander looks at the strengths and weaknesses of Egypt’s new workers’ movement and the different forces attempting to shape it.
Anne Alexander: Our democracy and theirs: reflections on the Egyptian revolution
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 1, mar 12 – side 4
Note: More than a year after the fall of Mubarak, the Egyptian revolution has faded from the front pages and TV screens in Europe. Periodic upsurges of protest or spectacular examples of brutality by the security forces may force the issue back into onto the agenda of mainstream journalists and politicians, but the consensus for the most part is that the revolution – if there ever was one – is long over.
Alt. url: PDF
Jørn Andersen: Solidaritet med egyptiske arbejdere (2008)
Note: I Egypten har protester og strejker udviklet sig massivt de seneste år – men stort set upåagtet af den danske presse. Derfor bringer vi her en kort omtale samt en række links til interesserede. (april 2008)
Jørn Andersen: Egypten: Fabrikkerne og pladserne er én hånd
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 317, feb 12 – side 12
Note: Ikke mange tror længere på parolen fra 25. januar-revolutionen: ”Hæren og folket er én hånd”.
Phil Marfleet: The generals, the Islamists and the Egyptian Revolution
Socialist Review nr. 366, feb 12 – side 10
Note: After the recent election Egypt's parliament is dominated by Islamists, especially representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood. But, argues Phil Marfleet, the Brotherhood faces immense pressure from Egyptians to deliver real change and break with the military.
Anne Alexander: The Egyptian workers’ movement and the 25 January Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 133, jan 12 – side 101
Note: “It is midnight in Cairo”, intoned the BBC reporter on the Ten O’ Clock News bulletin, “and still tens of thousands are in Tahrir Square. One chant echoes again and again: ‘Go, go, go’. But this time it is not Mubarak they want to quit, but Egypt’s military ruler Field Marshal Tantawi”.
Revolutionære Socialister, Egypten: Udtalelse fra Revolutionære Socialister om krisen i Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 314, nov 11 
Note: Revolutionære Socialister i Egypten udsendte søndag denne erklæring om regimets angreb på revolutionen. Siden udtalelsen blev skrevet er over 30 flere blevet dræbt og over 1.000 sårede (tirsdag).
Anne Alexander: Eyewitness in Cairo: Why protesters stormed the Israeli embassy
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 
Note: It started when tens of thousands of people flowed into Tahrir Square on Friday – a day they called the "Friday of Correcting the Path of the Revolution".
Egypt’s unions reject divisions
Socialist Worker nr. 2274, okt 11 – side 3
Note: Workers’ organisations in Egypt have joined calls for unity after security forces and state backed thugs attacked Christian Copts.
Hossam el-Hamalawy: Eyewitness in Cairo: Copts were gunned down by the military
Socialist Worker nr. 2273, okt 11 – side 13
Note: At least 23 protesters were killed in Cairo last night, Sunday, as the army and police carried out a massacre in front of the state TV building.
Revolutionære Socialister, Egypten: Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists’ statement on the massacre of Copts at Maspero
Socialist Worker nr. 2273, okt 11 – side 13
Note: Glory to the martyrs of Bloody Sunday – Shame on the military and the reactionaries
Egypt: at the gates of general strike
Socialist Worker nr. 2268, sep 11 – side 16
Note: Thousands of workers in Egypt are preparing for some of the biggest strikes since the fall of dictator Hosni Mubarak—whose trial for ordering the mass killing of protesters resumed this week.
Lars Henrik Carlskov: Egypten – interview: ”Vores revolution kan skabe et alternativ til imperialismen”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 310, jul 11 – side 7
Note: Socialistisk Arbejderavis har talt med formanden for Egyptens første uafhængige fagforening om den revolution, der tidligere på året væltede diktatoren Mubarak, og om de kampe, der venter forude.
Anne Alexander: The growing social soul of Egypt’s democratic revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 131, jul 11 – side 77
Note: This article is a preliminary and incomplete account of an unfinished revolution. It represents a first attempt to explore the implications of the great wave of strikes and social protests which preceded Mubarak’s fall from power and dominated the first months of the revolution.
John Rose: Revolution melts all that was solid into air
Socialist Worker nr. 2256, jun 11 – side 4
Note: An official banner celebrating Egypt’s Revolution at Cairo Airport tells of “Egyptians making history again… what else is new?”
Allegedly the author of this insight is Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. His portrait, and that of US president Barack Obama, serve as a warning that the revolution’s fate is far from settled.
Western politicians are falling over each other to support the “Arab Revolution”. But for them “support” means “control”.
Judith Orr: Egypt: Movement resists attempts to stall the revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2255, jun 11 – side 13
Note: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has moved in on Egypt. It has agreed a $3 billion loan with the military council government. International bankers and the government want a stable economy so they can get back to making profits out of Egypt.
Sasha Simic: Egypt: new workers' party activists debate way forward
Socialist Worker nr. 2255, jun 11 – side 13
Note: Sasha Simic reports from a meeting of the newly-formed Democratic Workers Party in Giza, Cairo, last week.
Simon Assaf: Military tries to put brakes on Egyptian revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 – side 16
Note: Opposition to Egypt’s ruling military council (Scaf) is growing following revelations of widespread torture of activists seized by military police and huge demonstrations on Friday of last week.
Simon Assaf: Support Egyptian activist Hossam el-Hamalawy
Socialist Worker nr. 2254, jun 11 – side 16
Note: Hossam el-Hamalawy, a leading voice in the revolution, was summonsed to appear before a military tribunal. He had appeared on television and named a senior military commander responsible for the torture of activists.
Revolutionære Socialister, Egypten: Egyptian socialists: 'Sharaf and the military are the successors of Mubarak'
Socialist Worker nr. 2252, maj 11 
Note: A statement issued by the Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt on Monday 16 May, 2011
Phil Marfleet: Act II of the Egyptian Revolution
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 10
Note: The revolutionary process in Egypt is deepening. There is now a protracted struggle going on to shape Egypt's future, as the ruling Military Council seeks to counter militancy from below.
Sameh Naguib: The Islamists and the Egyptian Revolution
Socialist Review nr. 359, jun 11 – side 14
Note: Egyptian socialist Sameh Naguib looks at the role of Islamists in the Egyptian Revolution
Anne Alexander: Egypt's doctors strike to heal the health service
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 – side 4
Note: A second national strike by doctors affected outpatient services in hospitals across Egypt on Tuesday of last week. Pay and conditions are at the heart of the strike.
Egypt: Hossam el-Hamalawy and Reem Maged called before military judges
Socialist Worker nr. 2253, maj 11 
Note: Mena solidarity has just issued this statement: We condemn the decision to refer journalists Hossam el-Hamalawy and Reem Maged for questioning by military judges on Tuesday 31 May in relation to their discussion of violations of human rights by the Egyptian military police and the ruling Supreme Military Council on Reem’s political talkshow which aired on ONTV on 26 May 2011.
Hans Jørgen Vad: Arabiens anden revolution i perspektiv
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 309, maj 11 – side 7
Note: Både blandt borgerlige og marxistiske analytikere har det "arabiske forår" været sammenlignet med epokegørende hændelser som de borgerlige revolutioner i 1848, opbruddet i 1968 og omvæltningerne i Østeuropa i 1989. Således også Alex Callinicos, som i en baggrundsartikel i "International Socialism" sætter den arabiske revolution ind i et større perspektiv.
Charlie Kimber + Anne Alexander + Unjum Mirza + Kieran Crow + Muhammad Shafiq + Anna Owens + Andy Lawson + Nick Grant: Class struggle calling out from Cairo
Socialist Worker nr. 2251, maj 11 – side 8
Note: Trade unionists from Britain met Egyptian workers in Cairo last week. They found that workers’ struggle is playing a critical role in developing Egypt’s ongoing revolution
Charlie Kimber: Struggle and solidarity in the streets of Cairo
Socialist Worker nr. 2250, maj 11 – side 4
Note: Egypt’s workers have reclaimed May Day as a celebration of struggle and solidarity. May Day was a fake under the dictator Hosni Mubarak, who ruled with the close support of the West until the revolution three months ago.
'Revolutionary Egypt: the view from the workplaces' – meeting with reports from Cairo
Socialist Worker nr. 2250, maj 11 
Note: Come and hear British trade unionists report from May Day in Cairo.
Siân Ruddick: Egypt: the struggle continues
Socialist Worker nr. 2249, apr 11 – side 10
Note: Thousands of workers in Egypt continue to hold strikes and sit-ins as they fight for their rights under the new regime.
Alex Callinicos: Analysis: The return of the Arab revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 130, apr 11 – side 3
Note: In the winter of 1939-40 the German Marxist critic Walter Benjamin wrote a remarkable text known as “Theses on the Philosophy of History”. In it he attacked the widespread belief on the left that socialism would come about inevitably, as the fruit of historical progress.
Phil Marfleet: Act One of the Egyptian Revolution
International Socialism Journal nr. 130, apr 11 – side 57
Note: Of all the startling scenes which made up Act One of the Egyptian Revolution, the events in Tahrir Square on 2 February were surely most astounding. When Mubarak sent gangs of plainclothes police to attack demonstrators, the protesters fought like demons. They first resisted, then drove back the baltagiyya (criminals/thugs). As news of the battle spread, people flooded in from every area of Cairo, racing to the front line to support the resistance.
Anne Alexander: Workers at the heart of the Egyptian Revolt
Socialist Worker nr. 2244, mar 11 – side 10
Note: Anne Alexander reports from Cairo on the ongoing revolution and talks to trade unionists about the role of the workers’ movement.
Ahmed al-Sayyed: Egyptian health worker: 'We've won so much'
Socialist Worker nr. 2244, mar 11 – side 11
Note: Ahmed al-Sayyed, president of the Health Technicians Union
‘Our union represents about 200,000 workers, including radiographers, lab technicians, dental technicians and medical instrument makers.
Kamal Abu Aita: Egyptian worker: 'Our victory is a victory for workers of the world'
Socialist Worker nr. 2244, mar 11 – side 11
Note: Kamal Abu Aita, president of the Property Tax Collectors Union
‘During the revolution, workers stood against the regime. At first we participated as individuals. Then we founded the Federation of Independent Unions, which raised the banner of trade union independence.
Gigi Ibrahim: Egypt: women in the revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2243, mar 11 – side 4
Note: Discrimination against women and sexual harassment has been entrenched in mainstream Egyptian culture. It’s treated as a joke. Everywhere we go we face verbal harassment.
Jakob L. Krogh: 18 dage der rystede verden
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 307, mar 11 – side 6
Note: Efter 18 dages protester blev Mubarak den 11. februar tvunget fra magten af en massebevægelse og en strejkebølge. Men det var ikke folket, der tog magten. Det var Det Øverste Militære Råd – et militærkup på ryggen af folket.
Jakob L. Krogh: Skal Danmark hjælpe med at skabe demokrati i Egypten?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 307, mar 11 – side 9
Note: Det mener udenrigsminister Lene Espersen: ”Selve fundamentet for et demokrati og et pluralistisk samfund er forskellige politiske partier, og dem har Egypten ikke. Det problem er jeg parat til at hjælpe egypterne med at løse. I dag har egypterne reelt kun to partier at vælge imellem – regeringspartiet og Det Muslimske Broderskab,” sagde hun til Berlingske Tidende, lige efter Mubarak var blevet afsat.
Judith Orr: Egypt's workers fight to deepen the revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2241, mar 11 – side 4
Note: Cairo’s Tahrir Square became a battlefield again on Friday of last week when masked commandoes from the Egyptian army waded into demonstrators with tasers, whips and sticks.
Anne Alexander: Revolution is a cry of rage against injustice
Socialist Worker nr. 2240, feb 11 – side 4
Note: Leading activists in the Egyptian workers’ movement, representing tens of thousands of striking workers, met in Cairo last Saturday. They agreed a common programme of demands and to co-ordinate further action.
Egypt: Demands of the workers in the revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2240, feb 11 
Note: Egyptian independent trade unionists’ declaration, Cairo, 19 February 2011: Revolution – Freedom – Social Justice.
Egyptiske uafhængige fagforeningsfolks erklæring (Cairo, 19 feb. 2011): Revolution – Frihed – Social Retfærdighed
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Knapt 40 egyptiske strejkeledere fra den uafhængige fagforeningsbevægelse udsendte lørdag dette arbejder-program med krav til den kommende udvikling.
Salma Ibrahim: Egypt’s largest public company declares indefinite strike
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 
Note: Some 24,000 workers at Misr Spinning and Weaving Company in Mahalla Al Kubra, Egypt’s largest public owned company, have started an indefinite, all-out strike.
Alt. url: Dansk oversættelse
Egypten: Arbejderne er trådt ind på historiens scene
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Hundredtusinder af arbejdere er gået i aktion de seneste uger for at forsvare revolutionen og kræve radikale ændringer i deres løn- og arbejdsvilkår.
Alt. url:
Judith Orr: Egypt: 18 days that shook the world
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 1
Note: There are years that live on in our history: 1848, 1917, 1968, 1989. Now we have a new date to celebrate. 11 February 2011: the day the dictator Hosni Mubarak was brought down by the Egyptian revolution.
Who says?: Egypt speaks
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 2
Note: In their own words
Ahdaf Soueif: ‘Revolution has captured the imagination’
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 2
Note: Egyptian novelist Ahdaf Soueif spoke to Socialist Worker.
Tim Sanders: Cartoon: Tim's view
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 3
Note: Western leaders cheer arab revolutions
Editorial: Revolution is the motor driving history forward
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 3
Note: The Egyptian revolution is a blow to all those who think change is impossible. There is an exhilaration to those moments when ordinary people overthrow an old society and start to build a fresh one.
Alex Callinicos: Is this a revolution or just a coup?
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 4
Note: It was the self-organised masses who forced the generals to act – now the military is striving to get the genie back into the bottle.
Phil Marfleet: Egypt: After 30 years of market 'reforms' we're fighting back
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 4
Note: Egypt’s revolution has delivered a resounding “No” to free market neoliberal capitalism.
Incredible wealth of the rich under Mubarak
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 4
Note: The regime encouraged a celebration of wealth and greed. It has sold state land near Cairo to property developers at knock-down prices.
Egyptian tax collectors: ‘We need your support’
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 4
Note: A solidarity appeal from the independent Egyptian Property Tax Collectors’ Union (RETAU)
Simon Assaf: Egypt: Strike wave deepens the revolution and threatens the power of capital
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 5
Note: Egypt is in the grip of a huge strike wave that marks a sudden and dramatic deepening of the revolution. Tens of thousands of workers have walked out of offices, factories, textile mills, ports, hospitals, schools and universities across the country. Even police officers are demonstrating.
Egypt: Workers have taken to the stage of history
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 5
Note: Hundreds of thousands of workers have taken action over the past week to defend the revolution and demand radical changes in their pay and working conditions.
Egyptian workers challenge the bosses’ control
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 5
Note: Some 1,000 workers from the Egyptian-American Steel company in Sadat City sat in for the second day on Monday over wages, health insurance and meal incentives.
Judith Orr: Egyptian socialists: 'This won't stop at Mubarak'
Socialist Worker nr. 2239, feb 11 – side 6
Note: Socialists in Egypt spoke to Socialist Worker editor Judith Orr in Cairo about the new challenges they face.
Salma Ibrahim: Egyptens største offentlige virksomhed går i tidsubegrænset strejke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Omkring 24.000 arbejdere på Misr spinde- og væveselskab i Mahalla Al Kubra, Egyptens største offentligt ejede selskab, har startet en tidsubestemt, total strejke.
Alt. url: Original English, Socialist Worker 2239
Alex Callinicos: Egypten: Er dette en revolution eller bare et kup?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Leon Trotskij fortæller i sine erindringer, at Lenin umiddelbart efter den russiske revolution i oktober 1917 sagde til ham på tysk: ”Es schwindelt” – ”Det gør én svimmel.”
Alt. url: Original English, Socialist Worker 2239
Phil Marfleet: Er Egyptens hær på folkets side?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Da Omer Suleiman, Egyptens nu ex-vicepræsident, talte fredag, sagde han to ting: Mubarak går af, og hæren tager over. Det er endnu ikke klart, hvad dette betyder.
Alt. url: Oversat fra Socialist Worker (UK), særnummer 2238a, 12. feb. 2011
Anne Alexander: Egypterne har ændret historiens gang
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Da protesterne startede, var der nogle der spurgte: Hvordan kunne det egyptiske folk så meget som drømme om at kæmpe imod den stærkeste, ældste og mest brutale stat i den arabiske verden?
Simon Assaf: Diktatoren, som revolutionen væltede
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Diktatoren er faldet. Mubarak er væk. Israels mand, imperialismens mand, USA’s mand, Verdensbankens man, er væk. Mubarak er blevet fejet væk af en af de største massebevægelser i historien.
Stemmer fra Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: ”Egypterne har sat en side i historiebøgerne” – ”Vi vil have valg nu” – ”Vi bragte arbejderne ud – og regimet brød sammen” – ”Vi er fyldt med stolthed”
Jørn Andersen: Mubarak er gået – tvunget væk af folkeligt oprør. Men Mubaraks regime er stadig ved magten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Hundredtusinder af egyptere er gået på gaden i en gigantisk folkefest, efter at vicepræsident Suleiman kl. 17 fredag meddelte, at præsident Mubarak er trådt tilbage efter næsten 30 år.
Anne Alexander: Egypt: 'The regime's ruling party is in disarray. But the state is not yet broken'
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 4
Note: Anne Alexander reports from Cairo on Egypt's revolution and the challenges it faces.
Anne Alexander: Egypt: Unity is forged in battle
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 4
Note: Tahrir Square has become the centre of the revolution—a space won at a terrible cost. Around the square are banners and placards with the faces of the young men and women who have died in the uprising.
Phil Marfleet: The Muslim Brotherhood: caught between resistance and compromise
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 5
Note: The Muslim Brotherhood is Egypt’s largest opposition organisation—more a movement than a political party. It has millions of supporters. Many are involved in the uprisings.
Muslim Brotherhood: Timeline
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 8
Judith Orr: Egypt: Revolution in motion
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 8
Note: The revolt in Egypt has raised how revolutions take place—and how they can win. Judith Orr who has recently returned from Cairo looks at the way forward.
Siân Ruddick: The battle for Egypt continues
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 16
Note: The past week has been one of turmoil in Egypt. Plain clothes police, security forces and paid thugs brutally attacked protesters in Tahrir Square in central Cairo on Wednesday of last week.
Egypt: ‘The revolution is on a knife edge’
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 16
Note: An Egyptian socialist organising in Tahrir Square spoke to Socialist Worker about the struggle.
Egypt: ‘The bullets killing us are made in the US’
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 16
Note: President of the independent Property Tax Collectors’ Union Kamal Abu Aita spoke to Socialist Worker about the importance of international solidarity with the Egyptian revolution.
Forced to kiss Mubarak’s portrait
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 16
Note: Ramy al Banna is a 20 year old British Egyptian student who was captured by state thugs when he went to Cairo to take part in the revolution.
Egypt: International solidarity spreads
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 16
Note: ACROSS THE world people have shown support for the Egyptian revolution. Up to 1,000 joined the Stop the War Coalition protest at the Egyptian embassy in London last Saturday.
Simon Assaf: Special issue: Revolution that toppled the dictator
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 2
Note: The tyrant has fallen. Mubarak has gone. Israel’s man, imperialism man, the US’s man, the World Bank’s man, has been deposed. Mubarak has been swept away by one of the greatest mass movements in history.
Phil Marfleet: Is Egypt’s army on the people’s side?
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 2
Note: When Omer Suleiman, Egypt’s now ex vice president, spoke on Friday he said two things: Mubarak is going and the army is taking over. It is not yet clear what this means.
What we think: Socialism is not an impossible dream
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 2
Note: The Egyptian people have made a revolution that will change the course of history. Hosni Mubarak was one of the world’s most brutal dictators and was backed to the hilt by the US and all the western powers.
Spreading revolt
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 2
Note: Tunisia – Egypt – Jordan – Yemen – Algeria – Saudi Arabia – Palestine – Morocco
Western leaders backed Mubarak
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 3
Note: Tony Blair – David Cameron – Hillary Clinton – Silvio Berlusconi
Tim Sanders: Cartoon: Tim's view
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 3
Voices from Egypt
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 3
Note: 'Egyptians have put a page in the history books'
Anne Alexander: Egyptians have changed the course of history
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 4
Note: At the start of the protests some asked: how could the Egyptian people even dream to take on the strongest, oldest, most brutal state in the Arab world.
Wassim Wagdy: 'No one can tell you how beautiful a revolution is'
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 – side 4
Note: Dictators are the last to understand the people when they wake up.
Siân Ruddick: Egypt's strike wave spreads
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 
Note: A strike wave involving thousands of workers is sweeping across Egypt today (Wednesday). An Egyptian activist in Cairo told Socialist Worker that their phone is ringing every ten minutes with new reports of walkouts.
Siân Ruddick: Packed London meeting pledges solidarity with Egyptian revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 
Note: More than 300 people packed into a Socialist Workers Party meeting in solidarity with the Egyptian revolution in central London last night.
Statement from the Revolutionary Socialists Egypt
Socialist Worker nr. 2238, feb 11 
Note: A statement issued by revolutionary socialists in Egypt on Sunday 6 February, 2011.
Siân Ruddick: Egyptens strejkebølge breder sig
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: En strejkebølge, der omfatter tusinder af arbejdere, breder sig ud over Egypten i dag (onsdag 9. feb.). En egyptisk aktivist i Cairo fortalte til Socialist Worker, at deres telefon ringer hvert tiende minut med nye rapporter om arbejdsnedlæggelser.
Jakob L. Krogh + Jørn Andersen: Egypten: Pas på hæren
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 7
Note: ”Det egyptiske folk og den egyptiske hær er ét,” er et populært slogan i de første 12 dage af den egyptiske revolution. Og det står efter 12 dage klart, at hærens handlinger kan blive afgørende. Ingen revolution kan vinde, uden at den vinder det meste af militæret over på sin side.
Morten Rasmussen: Egypten: Er Det Muslimske Broderskab en trussel mod revolutionen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 7
Note: Vi hører hele tiden om faren ved Det Muslimske Broderskab i Egypten, at de er nogle forfærdeligt ekstremistiske og radikale islamister, der nærmest er at frygte mere end Mubarak selv.
Hossam el-Hamalawy: Interview med Hossam el-Hamalawy: Egypten: Oprør har ligget i luften
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 8
Note: Hossam el-Hamalawy er en egyptisk journalist og aktivist, som blogger på websitet 3arabawy. Han har længe skrevet om krisen i Mubaraks regime, der er kulmineret i masse-oprøret i år.
Jakob L. Krogh + Lotte Wittendorff Laursen: Egypten: Støttedemonstrationer i Danmark
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 9
Note: Lige fra oprøret i Egypten startede, har der været en række støtte-demonstrationer i Danmark. En af de første var lørdag den 29. januar. Den var indkaldt foran den egyptiske ambassade.
Anders Bæk Simonsen: Hykleri og demokrati
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 9
Note: Vestens politiske elite har udstillet sig selv som en flok opportunistiske hyklere: På den ene side har de hyldet falske forsøg på demokratisering gennem krige i Irak og Afghanistan, alt imens de på den anden side har støttet diktaturerne i hele regionen.
Egyptisk revolutionær: ‘Vi er forandret for altid’
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 – side 12
Note: Sameh, en revolutionær socialist i Egypten, talte med Socialist Worker.
Revolutionære Socialister, Egypten: Erklæring fra Revolutionære Socialister i Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 306, feb 11 
Note: Revolutionære Socialister i Egypten udsendte 6. februar følgende erklæring.
Anne Alexander: Egypten: Kristen-muslimsk enhed er rodfæstet i revolutionære traditioner
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 305, jan 11 
Note: De britiske medier er fulde af frygtelige historier om volden i den egyptiske revolution. De sidste par dage har de været fokuseret på vold mod udlændinge, især journalister.
Judith Orr: Victory to the Egyptian revolution
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 2
Note: Judith Orr reports from Cairo.
It seemed like the whole of Egypt was on the streets.
Over a million people marched in Cairo on Tuesday. The city was one unstoppable mass of humanity.
And it wasn’t just Cairo. In Suez more than 500,000 marched. There was another 500,000 in Alexandria, 250,000 in Mansoura, Arish and Mahalla.
Judith Orr: Egypt: ‘People have lost their fear. Now they won’t be satisfied by anything but victory’
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 2
Note: Judith Orr reports from Cairo.
It was like arriving in a warzone when I entered Cairo on Sunday.
The streets leading to Tahrir Square, the centre of Egypt’s revolution, were strewn with burnt out police vans and rubble. Soldiers and tanks were everywhere.
Judith Orr: Egypt: A revolt that threatens the US and Israel
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 2
Note: Judith Orr reports from Cairo.
The Egyptian revolution is Israel’s and the US’s worst nightmare. The US wants a “smooth” transition to another government that will do its bidding.
Tim Sanders: Cartoon: Tim on Blair and Egypt
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 2
Note: This is not the sort of regime change we favour
Judith Orr: Egypt: Local committees: 'The people are making us safe'
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 3
Note: Judith Orr reports from Cairo.
Much has been made in the media of the young men on barricades with sticks and crowbars—apparently a sign of chaos and violence. But the truth is different.
Editorial: Revolution can change everything
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 3
Note: The Egyptian revolution is in progress. It is a momentous event. The protests have the potential not just to bring down a dictator, but to transform the balance of power between the rich and poor across the globe.
Egyptian revolutionary: ‘We are changed forever’
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 3
Note: Sameh, a revolutionary socialist in Egypt, spoke to Socialist Worker.
“I was in Alexandria meeting some comrades on Monday of last week. I was followed by plain-clothes police who questioned the café owners about me, saying I was not from there. Only days later we can sit in the open talking about revolution and socialism, and no one is watching.”
‘Don’t steal our revolution’ ElBaradei
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 3
Note: For many affluent Egyptians and Western governments one figure has emerged as the “face” of the secular opposition—Mohamed ElBaradei.
Are the people and the army as one in Egypt?
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 3
Note: The army’s actions in the coming days will be vital. The majority of people see the army as a friend—“The Egyptian people and the Egyptian army are one hand” is a popular slogan.
Alex Callinicos: Egypt: Dilemma that baffles US government
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 4
Note: The rising in Egypt is an event of world-historic proportions. It has put the largest and most important country in the Arab world on the verge of revolution.
Siân Ruddick: The seven days that shook a dictatorship
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 4
Note: The people of Egypt, inspired by the Tunisian uprising, have taken to the streets determined to oust the dictator Hosni Mubarak. Their revolt has shown that Arab and Western rulers were right to fear the spread of revolution after Tunisia.
Simon Assaf: Muslim Brotherhood: a contradictory force
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 4
Note: Imperialism and its allies are decidedly nervous about the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in a post-Mubarak Egypt. Its role is also being debated on the streets, where some worry it will stifle protests. But the spectre evoked by the US and others of a “dark force of fundamentalism” is a simplistic portrayal of Egypt’s largest opposition movement.
Anne Alexander: Egypt: The working class can drive the revolution on
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 5
Note: Egypt’s workers have the potential to play a decisive role in the revolution. Networks of independent union activists were crucial in mobilising support for the 25 January protests that sparked the uprising.
Simon Assaf: The hold of Nasser and nationalism remains a strong force
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 5
Note: The figure of Gamal Addul Nasser towers over modern Egyptian history. As president between 1956 and 1970 he stood firm against imperialism and transformed Egypt.
Matthew Cookson: Liberation and the Middle East
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 – side 10
Note: Imperialist domination of the Middle East, and resistance to it, have shaped Egypt for more than 100 years. The 30-year dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak is bound up with Egypt’s alliance with the US and Israel.
Protesters defend revolution in Egypt from Mubarak thugs
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: The Egyptian regime of Hosni Mubarak is attempting to turn back the revolution in Egypt today.
Determined resistance to Mubarak's thugs
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: Today there were determined efforts to crush the Egyptian revolution.
Eyewitness from the defence of Tahrir Square – Thursday morning
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: An eye witness in Tahrir Square reports,"Walking into the square, rubble everywhere.
Millions demonstrate in Egypt on 'departure day' for Mubarak
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: Vast numbers of protesters have again filled the streets across Egypt to demand an end to Hosni Mubarak and his regime.
Eyewitness report from Cairo – Saturday afternoon
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: Socialist Worker’s eyewitness reports from Egypt.
Leon Kuhn: Cartoon: Castles made of sand
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Judith Orr: Judith Orr reporting live from Cairo
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: Socialist Worker editor Judith Orr reports live from Cairo as the revolution unfolds.
Eamonn McCann: Britain and the US's hypocritical condemnations of the Egyptian dictatorship
Socialist Worker nr. 2237, feb 11 
Note: A reminder to Barack Obama and David Cameron from Eamonn McCann about what they said before the Egyptian people rose up.
Interview med Hossam el-Hamalawy: Egypten: Oprør har ligget i luften
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 305, jan 11 
Note: Hossam el-Hamalawy er en egyptisk journalist og aktivist, som blogger på websitet 3arabawy. Han har længe skrevet om krisen i Mubaraks regime, der er kulmineret i masse-oprøret i år.
Video of Wassim Wagdy outside the Egyptian embassy in London
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 
Note: Egyptian socialist Wassim Wagdy spoke about what the revolution in Egypt means on a protest outside the Egyptian embassy in London, 28 January 2011.
Judith Orr: Egypt in revolt – Judith Orr's Cairo diary
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 
Note: Socialist Worker editor Judith Orr reporting from Cairo as the revolution unfolds (30 Jan – 2 Feb)
Dictators everywhere are living in fear of Tunisian example
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 – side 5
Note: Egypt – Jordan – Yemen – Algeria – Palestine – Albania
Wassim Wagdy: Egyptian socialist: 'We can make Mubarak run like Ben Ali'
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 
Note: They said they would be there, and they were. The 25 January was declared a “Day of Anger” by democratic and socialist forces a week beforehand. The significance of the choice of date cannot be overestimated—it is “Police Day— an occasion when the regime incessantly drums up the virtues of its patriotic police force.
Siân Ruddick: Mass protests across Egypt threaten Mubarak's dictatorship
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 
Note: Thousands of people remain on the streets of towns and cities in Egypt after a day of huge demonstrations calling for the downfall of the dictator Hosni Mubarak and his regime.
Siân Ruddick: Protester i Egypten ryster regimet
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 305, jan 11 
Note: Masseprotester prægede gaderne i Egypten i går (25. jan.) i Alexandria, Suez, hovedstaden Cairo og andre dele af landet.
Diktatorer overalt lever i frygt for det tunesiske eksempel
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 305, jan 11 
Note: Den tunesiske revolution har givet selvtillid til mennesker overalt til at gå til modstand.
Siân Ruddick: Egypt's protests rock the regime
Socialist Worker nr. 2236, jan 11 
Note: Mass protests took over the streets of Egypt yesterday—in Alexandria, Suez, the capital Cairo and other parts of the country.
Anne Alexander: Ny strejkebølge ryster Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 290, aug 09 – side 10
Note: Atter fyldtes gader over hele Egyptens med demonstranter, da tjenestemænd, tekstil- og postarbejdere i august gik ud i en strejkebølge. Anne Alexander rapporterer om, hvordan deres krav hurtigt forøgede den politiske spænding.
Matthew Cookson: Egyptian state provokes riots by slaughtering pigs
Socialist Worker nr. 2150, maj 09 – side 6
Note: The Egyptian government’s plan to slaughter the country’s pigs as a response to swine flu provoked riots in the capital city of Cairo last Sunday.
Tag til Marxism i London
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 288, apr 09 – side 14
Note: 5-dages seminar med 200 møder samt musik, udstillinger, film og meget mere.
Egyptian workers defy repression
Socialist Worker nr. 2139, feb 09 – side 4
Note: Egyptian security forces have launched a campaign of intimidation against supporters of Palestine.
Pressures on Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood opposition party
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 9
Note: Opposition to Israel’s war on Gaza has exposed the shortcomings of the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition movement in Egypt, according to socialist activists in the country.
Simon Assaf: Egyptian protesters jailed (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 
Note: An emergency security court in Egypt has jailed 22 textile workers and their supporters for their role in the uprising in the Nile Delta town of Mahalla al-Kubra. A further 27 were acquitted.
Hossam el-Hamalawy: Gaza Special Issue: Egyptians rage at hated regime
Socialist Worker nr. 2132, dec 08 – side 2
Note: From the moment that Israel began its onslaught on Gaza, mass demonstrations broke out in Egypt. Up to a quarter of a million people took part in the first two days of demonstrations.
Egyptian Mahalla workers back on the streets
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 – side 3
Note: Textile workers in the Egyptian town of Mahalla al-Kubra staged a protest on Thursday of last week against plans to privatise the company.
Simon Assaf: Book review: Inside Egypt
Socialist Review nr. 329, okt 08 – side 28
Note: by John R Bradley, Palgrave Macmillan, £14.99
Egypt is on the brink of revolution, unless the US changes its policy towards the regime of Husni Mubarak. That at least is the conclusion of John R Bradley's new book, Inside Egypt – The land of the Pharaohs on the brink of a revolution.
Simon Assaf: Egypt—the trial of the Mahalla 49 begins: Detainees accuse state of torture
Socialist Worker nr. 2118, sep 08 – side 6
Note: Egyptian security used torture and cooked up evidence against workers arrested following mass protests that erupted in the town of Mahalla earlier this year.
Egypt: Mahalla strikers’ trial is adjourned
Socialist Worker nr. 2114, aug 08 – side 3
Note: The trial of 49 Egyptian workers in Mahalla opened last Saturday, with 25 of the accused in a cage in court. The trial has been adjourned to 1 September.
Simon Assaf: Support Egyptian workers facing trial
Socialist Worker nr. 2113, aug 08 – side 3
Note: Egyptian opposition groups and workers’ associations are calling for international support for 49 people arrested during the state crackdown on protesters in the Nile Delta town of Mahalla al-Kubra in April.
Dalia Said Mostafa: Youssef Chahine: remembering Egypt’s greatest film maker
Socialist Worker nr. 2113, aug 08 – side 11
Note: The death of Youssef Chahine on 27 July means that Egypt has lost the last great director from the 1950s generation.
Join the hundreds signing petition for Egyptian Mahalla detainees (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2112, aug 08 – side 51
Note: Read the petition to defend Egyptian protesters from Mahella and add your signature.
Egyptian strike leaders are released
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 – side 4
Note: Three Egyptian strike leaders have been released from detention and given back their jobs in a key victory for textile workers in Mahalla el-Kubra.
Hossam el-Hamalawy: Egyptian Strikes: More than bread and butter
Socialist Review nr. 325, maj 08 – side 18
Note: What impact has the recent strike wave and protest had on Egyptian society? Egyptian revolutionary socialist Hossam el-Hamalawy argues that the struggles of the working class are central to the growing confidence of the opposition movement to dictator Hosni Mubarrak.
Strejkebevægelse ryster Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 278, apr 08 – side 16
Note: Situationen i Mellemøsten udvikler sig dramatisk. Både på universiteterne og de store arbejdspladser ulmer oprøret, og springer fra tid til anden ud i lys lue. Senest er modstanden toppet d. 6. april i år med de store strejker i byen Mahalla.
Denne artikel skitserer kort udviklingen i den egyptiske modstand.
Jesper Juul Mikkelsen: Interview: Porten til Mellemøstens befrielse åbnes i Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 278, apr 08 – side 17
Note: Den 27 – 30 marts 2008 blev den 6. Cairo Konference afholdt. Ved konferencen benyttede Jesper Juhl Mikkelsen fra SAA anledningen til, at stille Ashraf et par spørgsmål. Ashraf er revolutionær socialist og ledende i opbygningen af modstanden mod Mubarak på Cairo Universitet.
Simon Assaf: Egypt: Repression in Mahalla fuels anger at dictator
Socialist Worker nr. 2097, apr 08 – side 6
Note: The Egyptian regime has unleashed a wave of repression on the industrial city of Mahalla el-Kubra following four days of riots and demonstrations.
Eyewitness from Egypt
Socialist Worker nr. 2097, apr 08 – side 6
Note: US journalist James Buck witnessed the crackdown in Mahalla following the uprising.
Simon Assaf: Egypt's workers defy repression in Mahalla
Socialist Worker nr. 2096, apr 08 – side 16
Note: Tens of thousands of Egyptians faced down murderous repression in a historic show of defiance.
Solidarity statement of Egypt's Centre for Socialist Studies
Socialist Worker nr. 2096, apr 08 – side 16
Note: In light of recent events in Egypt, the Centre for Socialist Studies calls on supporters of freedom and justice everywhere in the world to show their support for victims of repression at the hands of Hosni Mubarak's regime.
Anne Alexander: Cairo Conference: Delegates meet amidst strike wave
Socialist Worker nr. 2095, apr 08 – side 16
Note: Hundreds of delegates to the sixth Cairo Conference against globalisation and imperialism met this week amid a growing movement for social justice in Egypt.
Anne Alexander: Egypt's strike wave: Inside Egypt’s mass strikes
International Socialism Journal nr. 118, apr 08 – side 123
Note: Egyptian workers’ dramatic revival of strikes is a direct challenge to those who argue that the working class in the Middle East—or in the Third World more generally—has been economically and politically marginalised.
Mustafa Bassiouny + Omar Said: Egypt's strike wave: A new workers’ movement: the strike wave of 2007
International Socialism Journal nr. 118, apr 08 – side 129
Note: This is a translation and adaption of a pamphlet published by the Centre for Socialist Studies in Cairo, December 2007, Raiyyat al-idirab fi sama’ masr: haraka ‘ummaliyya gadida 2007. Mustafa Bassiouny and Omar Said are journalists working for the independent press, Bassiouny for Al-Dustur and Said for Al-Badil.
New round of strikes sweeps across Egypt
Socialist Worker nr. 2094, mar 08 – side 4
Note: Egyptian democracy campaigners have called for a “day of popular anger” to coincide with a textile workers’ strike on 6 April. The protest comes as rampant inflation fuels a new round of strikes and protests against the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak, a key US ally in the Middle East.
Tony Cliff: The Present Agrarian Crisis in Egypt (1935)
Note: The present world crisis, which is accompanied by growing economic autarky, has worsened and degraded the condition of monoculture countries, to a much greater extent than that of polyculture countries which, due to the versatility of their economies, are not greatly hit by this autarky.
Egypt: Doctors join the revolt against regime
Socialist Worker nr. 2090, mar 08 – side 2
Note: Doctors in Egypt have threatened to strike if their demands over pay are not met. They are the latest group to join a wave of popular unrest led by Egyptian workers and peasants against the US-backed regime of Hosni Mubarak.
Hossam el-Hamalawy: Egypt: strikes shake US ally
Socialist Worker nr. 2089, feb 08 – side 1
Note: Tens of thousands of workers challenge dictator
Simon Assaf: Gaza: ‘The week we broke their prison state’
Socialist Worker nr. 2086, feb 08 – side 8
Note: For daring to elect a Hamas government the people of Gaza have been starved of food and supplies by the West. Now they refuse to be pushed any further.
Gehan Shabaan: Tandlægen og historien der rystede Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 275, jan 08 – side 12
Note: Dr. Alaa Al-Aswanys første roman, Yacoubians Hus, fremprovokerede vrede hos det egyptiske regime, men har også indfanget bevidstheden blandt den egyptiske offentlighed. Gehan Shabaan spørger til forfatteren og best-sellereren omkring hans værk og den nyligt filmatiserede udgave af det.
Farah Koubaissy + Anne Alexander: Egypt: Women were braver than a hundred men
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 14
Note: Resistance to the neoliberal policies of the Egyptian government has led to a strike wave involving thousands of workers. Anne Alexander describes how women have played a key role in the struggle and Farah Koubaissy visits a tobacco factory where one woman, Hagga Aisha, has led the strikes.
Egyptian editors jailed for ‘slandering’ Mubarak
Socialist Worker nr. 2073, okt 07 – side 4
Note: Egyptian newspapers did not appear on the stands last week as a part of a national protest against the imprisoning of editors for “slandering the president”.
Anne Alexander: Historisk sejr for egyptiske tekstilarbejdere
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 273, okt 07 – side 5
Note: De kom med trommer og hjemmelavede plakater, de satte en teltlejr op på fabrikkens grund og omdannede forpladsen til et ugelangt massemøde.
Anne Alexander: Solidaritet med arbejdere i hele Egypten
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 273, okt 07 – side 5
Note: Hossam el-Hamalawy, en egyptisk journalist og aktivist, fortæller om strejkens betydning:
Vi taler om en strejke, som lukkede den største tekstilfabrik i hele Mellemøsten. Ghazl al-Mahalla beskæftiger 27.000, og alt, hvad der sker her, har betydning for kampen i Egypten.
The return of the working class: Interview: Egypt’s strike wave
International Socialism Journal nr. 116, okt 07 – side 25
Note: Sameh Naguib, an Egyptian socialist, spoke to International Socialism about the current strike movement and its political backdrop, including the role of the million-strong Muslim Brotherhood.
Egyptian postal workers occupy
Socialist Worker nr. 2061, jul 07 – side 4
Note: Egyptian postal workers occupied the Egyptian Postal Service building in the capital Cairo last week.
Growing repression in Egypt
Socialist Worker nr. 2043, mar 07 – side 4
Note: Opposition groups in Egypt have demonstrated against a constitutional amendment that would silence criticism of the regime.
Anne Alexander: Suez and the high tide of Arab nationalism
International Socialism Journal nr. 112, sep 06 – side 107
Note: July 26, 1956. A crowd, tens of thousands strong, gathered in Manshiyya Square in Alexandria, to hear a speech by Egypt’s president, Gamal Abd-al-Nasser. The atmosphere was tense—only days before Nasser had received a humiliating rebuff from the US Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, to his request for a loan to build the High Dam on the Nile.
Egypt: Jailed activists released
Socialist Worker nr. 2007, jul 06 – side 4
Note: The Egyptian state has released members of the Kifaya (Enough) movement who were arrested during recent protests in support of rebel judges. The judges had exposed ballot rigging in last November’s parliamentary elections.
Jørn Andersen: Ægypten: Studerende kæmper for deres organisationer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 254, apr 06 – side 5
Note: På Cairo-konferencen var der også et møde for studenter. Jeres udsendte var desværre nødt til at nå et fly inden mødet, men vi har fået en rapport fra Anas, en studerende fra „Det Muslimske Broderskabs Studenter“.
Egypt: The fight for democracy that Straw won’t mention
Socialist Worker nr. 1962, aug 05 – side 2
Note: British Foreign secretary Jack Straw has set himself the task of giving Arab rulers “the confidence to face down terrorism”. He believes there is “a wind of change” blowing in the Middle East.
The drive for real democracy in the Middle East
Socialist Worker nr. 1962, aug 05 – side 8
Note: Leading economist Samir Amin joined activists to discuss the struggle for democracy in the Middle East at Marxism 2005. We reprint edited highlights of the meeting.
Jan Hoby: Cairo-konferencen: Er Ægypten på vej mod demokrati?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 241, apr 05 – side 1
Note: For første gang var der dansk deltagelse i Cairo-konferencen, som blev afholdt for tredje gang i Ægypten i påskedagene. Konferencen samlede mere end 3000 deltagere fra mere end 30 lande.
Egypt: the pressures build up (interviews)
International Socialism Journal nr. 106, mar 05 – side 23
Note: Ppressure is building up against the Mubarak's 23 year old pro-US dictatorship, socialist activists from Egypt report.
Egypt: Poisoned by their bosses and then denied their pay
Socialist Worker nr. 1930, dec 04 – side 4
Note: WORKERS EMPLOYED by the Egyptian-Spanish Company for Asbestos Products in Cairo began a sit-in at the company on Saturday 20 November. They are protesting over the failure of the company to pay them their wages for September and October.
Hari al-Khazzaf: Middle East: Stirrings on the Nile
Socialist Review nr. 257, nov 01 – side 5
Note: News Review
Rasmus Keis: Den glemte historie: Verdens første strejke
Socialistisk Revy nr. 9, nov 98 – side 24
Note: I dag vil mange beskrive det gamle Ægypten som værende et eksempel på et meget stabilt og harmonisk samfund, hvor befolkningen holdt sammen på grund af en stærk nationalfølelse og kulturarv. Rasmus Keis påviser, at klassekampen, enten skjult eller åbenlys, var en ligeså stor del af det gamle Ægypten, som den er det i dag.
Carsten Sørensen: Imod USA, for kapitalisme: Nassers nationalisme
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 62, sep 90 – side 10
Note: Arabere i titusindvis har i de sidste uger demonstreret til fordel for Saddam Hussein. De ser ham som én, der, ligesom Nasser, forsøger at smide den vestlige og især amerikanske kontrol over Mellemøsten på porten.
Phil Marfleet: Egypt’s Deepening Crisis
International Socialism Journal (1st series) nr. 89, jun 76 – side 14
Note: Last year it was reported that in central areas of Cairo the population density now exceeds by three times that of the most crowded slum districts of Calcutta. (153,000 per square kilometre). Since that estimate was made the population of the city will have increased by a third of a million. And Egypt’s long term debts will have increased to a staggering 14 billion dollars.

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