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Tema: USA internt efter 1990

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USA internt efter 1990
Se også: Krise og modstand - USA
Lene Junker: USA: Modstand mod Trump
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 358, mar 17 – side 10
Note: Siden Trump blev valgt som præsident i USA er protesterne eksploderet. Kun få troede at det var muligt for Trump at vinde over Clinton, så Trumps valg blev et ‘wake up call’ for mange.
Jens Andersen: USA: Magtkamp hos Demokraterne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 358, mar 17 – side 10
Note: Uenighed om retningen inden for Det Demokratiske Parti i USA har ført til, at Den Demokratiske Nationalkomité for første gang har fået en næstformand.
Charlie Lywood: USA: Kamp blandt amerikanske magthavere
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 358, mar 17 – side 11
Note: Der er ingen tvivl om, at der foregår kampe blandt amerikanske magthavere. Trumps sejr i efteråret og hans fortsatte fastholdelse af ”Amerika First”, efter at han indtrådte som præsident, har skabt bitre opgør.
John Molyneux: At forstå Trump og hvordan han kan bekæmpes
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 354, okt 16 
Note: Donald Trumps overraskende valgsejr har chokeret millioner af amerikanere og hundreder af millioner af mennesker rundt om i verden og med rette.
Alex Callinicos: Vi ønsker ikke Trump, men det gør bosserne heller ikke
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 354, okt 16 
Note: Først Brexit og nu Trump. Der er et mønster her, vi må forsøge at forstå.
Charlie Kimber: Hillary Clinton eller Donald Trump? Et falsk valg til fordel for bosserne
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 354, okt 16 
Note: Afstemningen om den amerikanske præsidentpost næste tirsdag vil sætte to af de mest upopulære og reaktionære kandidater nogensinde op mod hinanden. Den, der vinder, vil have mistillid fra og være ugleset af et flertal af befolkningen.
Anders Bæk Simonsen: Sanders’ succes viser et andet USA
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 352, maj 16 – side 15
Note: Bag Sanders’ succes i valgkampen finder vi et USA, der er blevet mere og mere ulige. Men også et USA, hvor mange er begyndt at sige Nej.
Charlie Kimber: Clinton vinder i New York – Hvorhen nu for Sanders-kampagnen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 351, mar 16 
Note: Hillary Clinton har besejret Bernie Sanders ved primærvalget i New York. Primærvalgene afgør, hvem der skal være det demokratiske parti kandidat til valget af amerikansk præsident.
Megan Trudell: Analysis: Sanders, Trump and the US working class
International Socialism Journal nr. 150, apr 16 – side 17
Note: “The best president in the history of the world—somebody courageous, smart, bold—that person will not be able to address the major crises that we face unless there is a mass political movement, unless there’s a political revolution in this country”. So Bernie Sanders told his audience at a meeting in New Hampshire in June 2015.
Megan Trudell: Racism and resistance in the US after Ferguson
International Socialism Journal nr. 146, apr 15 – side 75
Note: In August 2014 unarmed 18 year old black teenager Michael Brown was shot and killed by white police officer Darren Wilson in the St Louis suburb of Ferguson. Brown was shot six times including twice to the head, despite having his hands up in surrender, and left dead in the street for four and a half hours.
Becca Bor: Race and Class in Obama’s U.S.
Irish Marxist Review (Irland) nr. 12, mar 15 – side 24
Note: Protests against police brutality have erupted across U.S. cities and campuses since the end of November. Over a hundred thousand people, mainly young, and led by Black youth, have come out on the streets raising the banner of ‘Black Lives Matter.’
Bo Nielsen: Fra Ferguson til en ny antiracistisk bevægelse
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 342, dec 14 – side 3
Note: Protesterne imod en hvid politibetjents drab på en 18-årig sort mand i den amerikanske by Ferguson 9. august blev starten på en hastigt voksende bevægelse mod racisme og politibrutalitet.
Anne A. Lange: Ferguson, Missouri: Hands Up – Don’t Shoot!
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 340, aug 14 – side 10
Note: Den 9. august skød og dræbte politiet i Ferguson, Missouri , USA, den 18-årige Michael Brown. Han var ubevæbnet, og udgjorde ifølge øjenvidner til episoden ingen trussel, hvilket bliver bakket op af obduktionsrapporten.
Ken Olende: Anger at racism explodes after Trayvon Martin verdict
Socialist Worker nr. 2362, jul 13 – side 3
Note: Protests have spread across the US following the verdict in the Trayvon Martin case last Saturday.
Judith Orr: Bradley Manning – a soldier’s leaks exposed US ‘bloodlust’
Socialist Worker nr. 2356, jun 13 – side 15
Note: As Bradley Manning faces court martial for leaking military files to Wikileaks, Judith Orr says he is standing firm despite the threat of a lifetime in jail
Nyliberal diktator indsat i Detroit til at gennemføre reformer
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 328, apr 13 – side 10
Note: Michigans guvernør indsatte den 28. marts advokaten Kevyn Orr til at administrere Detroit de næste 18 måneder.
Megan Trudell: Analysis: Why Obama won
International Socialism Journal nr. 137, jan 13 – side 15
Note: “The people who delivered [Obama] a second term…are those who were least likely to have benefited from his first.” Journalist Gary Younge’s comment on the re-election of Barack Obama in the United States sums up the contradiction at the heart of the election campaign.
Alex Callinicos: Analysis: Narrowing the bounds of the possible: the US election
International Socialism Journal nr. 136, okt 12 – side 3
Note: In November 2008, after Barack Obama had won in the presidential election in the US, Slavoj Žižek wrote one of his very best pieces: “The reason Obama’s victory generated such enthusiasm is not only that, against all odds, it really happened: it demonstrated the possibility of such a thing happening.”
Sadie Robinson: Anger as Florida authorities refuse jury hearing in Trayvon Martin case
Socialist Worker nr. 2298, apr 12 – side 16
Note: There will be no jury hearing to decide whether George Zimmerman, the man who shot black teenager Trayvon Martin in February, should face charges.
Anders Bæk Simonsen: USA: Hårde angreb på faglige rettigheder
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 307, mar 11 – side 10
Note: Wisconsin er skueplads for en kamp imellem Senator Walker og statens offentligt ansatte. Walker vil gøre det ulovligt for statens ansatte at have noget at gøre med fagforeninger.
Jørn Andersen: Fagforeningsmand fra Wisconsin, USA: ”De vil ødelægge fagforeningerne”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 307, mar 11 – side 10
Note: I flere uger har hundredtusindvis, især i USA’s midt-vestlige stater, protesteret mod nyvalgte republikanske guvernørers angreb på offentligt ansatte fagforeningers forhandlingsret. Centrum for protesterne har været Wisconsin.
United States: Wisconsin in revolt at governor's attack on union rights
Socialist Worker nr. 2240, feb 11 – side 3
Note: Tens of thousands public sector workers in the US are blocking the streets of Madison, the capital of Wisconsin. They are demanding that Republican governor Scott Walker withdraws plans to smash state workers’ collective bargaining rights.
Megan Trudell: Analysis: Mad as hatters? The Tea Party movement in the US
International Socialism Journal nr. 129, jan 11 – side 23
Note: Two years after his election Barack Obama presides over an increasingly divided nation, in both economic and political terms. His failure to deliver on the promise of real change has seen him punished in the midterm elections for Congress and for many state governments, as many whose hopes were raised in 2008 sat out the contest.
Jonny Jones: Analysis: BP oil spill: There will be blood
International Socialism Journal nr. 128, okt 10 – side 15
Note: On Sunday 19 September 2010 engineers finally sealed the Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, which had exploded five months earlier and caused the “the world’s largest accidental offshore oil spill”.
Jørn Andersen: BP-oliekatastrofen: Regering og olieindustri hånd i hånd
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 299, jul 10 – side 10
Note: Obama 2. april: „I dag er olieboreplatforme generelt ikke årsagen til oliespild. De er teknologisk meget avancerede.“ Udtalelsen kom kun 18 dage før eksplosionen på Deepwater Horizon.
Jørn Andersen: Obama
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 299, jul 10 – side 16
Note: Forventningerne til Obama var store, da han blev valgt i novemaber 2008. Med paroler som „Yes, we can“ var han selv med til at iscenesætte sig som talsperson for kravet om forandring efter 8 år med Bush.
Christine Kyndi: BP’s olieudslip: Historisk miljøkatastrofe
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 298, jun 10 – side 16
Note: Den 20. april kostede en eksplosion på olieboreplatformen Deepwater Horizon i den Mexicanske Golf 11 arbejdere livet. Fra et hul 1,5 km under havets overflade fosser enorme mængder olie ud og truer med at skabe en af de største miljømæssige katastrofer i USA’s historie.
Brian Richardson: Book review: Getting the “Change We Need”
International Socialism Journal nr. 126, apr 10 – side 205
Note: Manning Marable, Beyond Black and White: Transforming African-American Politics (Verso, 2009), £12.99
“Although it seems heaven-sent we ain’t ready to see a black President.” Tupac Shakur, the author of these lines, was one of the most iconic and outspoken representatives of what the black American historian and commentator Manning Marable characterises as the “hip hop generation”. The sense of political disenfranchisement felt by this generation was one of the key starting points for Marable’s 1995 book Beyond Black and White, which has now been republished in an updated edition.
Ken Olende: A year of Obama: Compromise, crisis and capitulation
Socialist Worker nr. 2184, jan 10 – side 6
Note: Obama was elected on a tide of hope but the reality has been disappointing, writes Ken Olende
Megan Trudell: From a bang to a whimper: Obama’s first year
International Socialism Journal nr. 125, jan 10 – side 33
Note: The Obama presidency is in a quagmire. The tremendous promise encapsulated in the campaign slogan “Change we can believe in” and the enormous expectations of reform after the Bush years have not been realised. Energy has given way to hesitancy and the Obama government’s first year has seen it become increasingly entangled in the contradictions of profound crisis in the US. The conjuncture of recession and the deepening morass of war in Afghanistan have intensified divisions in the US political establishment. Government responses to the crisis have produced the twin, mutually reinforcing, effects of failure to deliver change for its most enthusiastic supporters and stoking political opposition to its right.
Joe Bageant: Obama: Is the dream over?
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 10
Note: A year is a very long time in politics. The election of Barack Obama, the first black president of the US, symbolised hope and the possibility of change for millions of Americans. US writer and author of Deer Hunting with Jesus, Joe Bageant, thinks that things are changing – but not for the better.
Judith Orr: US: Poverty
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 13
Note: 7.7 percent of households have no bank account.
Mark Thomas: US: Food insecurity
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 13
Note: There is a sharp rise in hunger in the US.
US: Prisons
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 13
Note: The highest rate of incarceration in the world.
Judith Orr: US: Healthcare
Socialist Review nr. 343, jan 10 – side 14
Note: "All our services are free and are provided by volunteers. The doctor is free; the dentist is free; the eye doctor is free."
Megan Trudell: Analysis: Obama’s 100 days
International Socialism Journal nr. 123, jul 09 – side 11
Note: The first 100 days of the Obama administration have made clear that the tremendous expectations driving last year’s dramatic election are already coming into conflict with the realities of US capitalism in crisis.
Jess Hurd: Death on the US-Mexico border
Socialist Worker nr. 2141, mar 09 – side 8
Note: The US-Mexico border is one of the most dangerous places in the world for migrants. Jess Hurd visited southern California to talk to those helping the vulnerable
Jessica Chandler: Latinos face a rising tide of hostility
Socialist Worker nr. 2141, mar 09 – side 9
Note: Immigrant Latinos in the US are facing a tough and worrying future.
Eamonn Kelly: DVD Review: The End of America (Dir.: Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg)
Socialist Review nr. 334, mar 09 – side 32
Note: The End of America is based on a Naomi Wolf lecture, intercut with interviews and news reports, rooted on Wolf's recent pamphlet warning of the erosion of civil liberties in contemporary US.
Alex Callinicos: The real change facing Obama
Socialist Worker nr. 2139, feb 09 – side 4
Note: Barack Obama’s administration is starting to put itself about internationally. Having stayed away from the World Economic Forum in Davos, the US sent a high-powered delegation headed by Vice-President Joe Biden to the Munich security conference the weekend before last.
Brian Richardson: Is racism dead? If only it were true
Socialist Worker nr. 2136, jan 09 – side 4
Note: Could Martin Luther King’s dream of a society without racism ever become a reality? For millions of people, the inauguration of Barack Obama as US president is a sign that maybe it can.
Alex Callinicos: Obama's scramble to buy time from voters
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 4
Note: The conventional view is that Barack Obama’s presidency is going to struggle with the contradiction between the huge expectations invested in him and the glum realities of office. I don’t think it’s quite as simple as that.
Esme Choonara: Obama sworn in amid hope and uncertainty
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 4
Note: Thousands of Americans have travelled to Washington DC this week to attend the inauguration of Barack Obama as the new US president.
A conflict of interests in Obama's different supporters
Socialist Worker nr. 2135, jan 09 – side 4
Note: The fundamental test that Obama faces is not so much about the timescale or extent of his policy changes, but about the conflicting bases of his underlying support.
Michael Reilly: Response to police shooting shows US society is a tinderbox
Socialist Worker nr. 2134, jan 09 – side 5
Note: News of the shooting of Oscar Grant by Bay Area Rapid Transit (Bart) police in Oakland on New Year’s Day has made its way around the world.
Analysis: From Bush to Obama
International Socialism Journal nr. 121, jan 09 – side 5
Note: Barack Obama’s victory in the US was one consequence of the crisis. Of course, there was more to the victory than that. For many African Americans it was an important symbolic gain after more than three centuries of oppression. Tens of thousands of young people redirected their feelings over the Iraq war into electioneering. Millions of Hispanic Americans saw voting for Obama as the logical follow up to demonstrating against restrictions on immigrants.
Megan Trudell: Analysis: Obama and the working class vote
International Socialism Journal nr. 121, jan 09 – side 13
Note: The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States is tremendous confirmation of the widespread opposition to the wars, racism and economic policies of the Bush administration. The Obama campaign tapped into a deep desire for change among wide sections of the US population and drew large numbers into political engagement, often for the first time. The aspirations that were reflected in support for Obama could form the basis of a movement capable of transforming US politics much more profoundly. One of its most important features is the shift leftwards of millions of working class Americans—white as well as black.
Chris Bambery: Soaring job losses intensify crisis in US
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 4
Note: As recession brings misery to the lives of millions across the US, some workers are showing that it is possible to fight back.
US: Worries for car workers
Socialist Worker nr. 2131, dec 08 – side 4
Note: The US Congress and the White House seem set to finalise an emergency $15 billion short-term loan to keep the General Motors (GM), Chrysler and Ford car companies afloat.
Martin Smith: Det andet Amerika
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 284, dec 08 – side 7
Note: I denne artikel, der skrevet lige inden Obama vandt præsidentvalget, kigger Martin Smith på fagforeninger, Barack Obama og arbejderes kamp i USA.
Jess Hurd: Amerikas sande ansigter
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 284, dec 08 – side 8
Note: Fotojournalist Jess Hurd rejste op til præsidentvalget tværs igennem de sydlige amerikanske stater i juni for at snakke med folk om Barack Obama, racisme, økonomien og deres daglige kamp om overlevelse.
Colin Wilson: Letters: Fighting for gay rights in the US
Socialist Worker nr. 2128, nov 08 – side 7
Note: Around 120,000 LGBT people and their supporters protested for equality across the US last week. They were angered by votes in four states to deny same-sex couples the right to marry.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: US elections: The movement behind Barack Obama
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 7
Note: The US presidential election showed a real desire for fundamental change. Anindya Bhattacharyya asks what the votes tell us about battles to come.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: US elections: Key issues facing Obama as he becomes president
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 7
Note: The widespread exhilaration at Barack Obama’s victory will be tempered by fear that his administration will not make the radical changes that so many are demanding.
Simon Assaf: US elections: Early policy plans show conflicting pressures on Obama
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 7
Note: Some of the names being touted for Barack Obama’s cabinet show the twin pressures faced by the new president. Many people will find little comfort in his selections.
Virginia Rodino: US elections: US voices for change
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 8
Note: Activists and trade unionists in the US spoke to Virginia Rodino about the impact of Barack Obama’s victory
US elections: The reaction to Obama's election in Britain
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 8
Note: Weyman Bennett, Joint national general secretary of Unite Against Fascism spoke to Socialist Worker in a personal capacity
US elections: Voices from Britain on Obama
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 9
Note: What does the election of Barack Obama mean to young black people in Britain? Socialist Worker spoke to young people in east London to find out.
Yuri Prasad: US elections: Is this the end of racism in the US?
Socialist Worker nr. 2127, nov 08 – side 9
Note: Does the election of a black president mean that the US is now a society that has moved beyond bigotry? Certainly the election delivered racism a tremendous blow.
Editorial: Is Barack Obama the change we need?
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 – side 12
Note: The people of the US were heading to the polls to vote for their new president as Socialist Worker went to press. All the early indications were that Barack Obama, the Democratic candidate, is set to sweep aside his Republican rival John McCain.
Obama’s victory captures the mood for real change (online only)
Socialist Worker nr. 2126, nov 08 
Note: Millions of people are celebrating across the world today after Barack Obama was elected as the first black president of the United States – a momentous achievement in a country with a long history of entrenched and vicious racism.
Mike Davis: US elections – the new deal?
Socialist Review nr. 330, nov 08 – side 18
Note: The US ruling class are desperate to rescue their system from catastrophe. Mike Davis looks at what the new incumbent of the White House faces and what this means for ordinary Americans.
Martin Smith: Workers in struggle: the other America
Socialist Worker nr. 2125, nov 08 – side 13
Note: As the US presidential election reaches its final stage, Martin Smith looks at trade unions, Barack Obama and workers’ struggle.
Lene Junker: Farvel, Bush
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 283, okt 08 – side 4
Note: Med udgangen af dette år, forlader George W. Bush posten som USA´s præsident. Han forlader posten som den mindst populære præsident i USA, nogensinde. Nedturen har været en kendsgerning siden republikanerne tabte midtvejsvalget i november 2006. Irak krigen var den direkte årsag.
Poul Erik Kristensen: Fattigdommen vokser i USA
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 283, okt 08 – side 7
Note: 37 millioner mennesker – eller 12 pct. af befolkningen – i et af verdens rigeste lande lever i fattigdom, viser ny analyse. Det er en langt flere end i de rige lande i Europa.
Lindsey German: In my opinion: Beyond the Palin effect
Socialist Review nr. 329, okt 08 – side 7
Note: I was rather surprised when someone said to me recently, "You almost have to admire Sarah Palin."
Des Freedman: Book review: The New Blue Media
Socialist Review nr. 329, okt 08 – side 25
Note: by Theodore Hamm, The New Press, £14.99
The premise of this interesting book is that the US political landscape has been transformed by the rise of progressive media figures like Michael Moore and Jon Stewart and innovative online sites like and the Daily Kos. Motivated in particular by a fierce opposition to the invasion and occupation of Iraq, this "new blue media" (blue, in the US context, refers to Democrats; red to Republicans) has helped to carve out a significant space in US political culture.
Simon Assaf: Will the economic crisis help Obama?
Socialist Worker nr. 2120, sep 08 – side 4
Note: Is Barack Obama making a turn to the left? His recent statements on the US economy seem to suggest so.
Jess Hurd: The real faces of America
Socialist Worker nr. 2119, sep 08 – side 8
Note: Photojournalist Jess Hurd travelled across the Southern states of the US in June to talk to people about Barack Obama, racism, the economy and their everyday struggles to survive.
Editorial: US nationalises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as panic grows over crisis
Socialist Worker nr. 2118, sep 08 – side 12
Note: Imagine that a government summons the heads of two of the biggest corporations to its treasury headquarters in order to deliver an ultimatum – either they agree to a state takeover or have one forced upon them.
Alex Callinicos: Obama is playing the system’s game
Socialist Worker nr. 2117, sep 08 – side 4
Note: After a week dominated by Barack Obama’s consecration at the Democratic convention in Denver, his Republican rival has succeeded brilliantly in upstaging him.
Gaverne Bennett: Interview George Pelecanos: Telling the tales of two cities
Socialist Review nr. 328, sep 08 – side 18
Note: The Wire has been dubbed the greatest series on TV. George Pelecanos, one of the writers and producers of the show, talks to Gaverne Bennett.
Sadie Robinson + Abbie Bakan: US elections: Barack Obama's campaign moves further to the right
Socialist Worker nr. 2116, aug 08 – side 6
Note: The appointment of Delaware senator Joe Biden as his vice-presidential running mate is an indication of the rightward direction of Obama's election campaign.
Alex Callinicos: Kan imperiet slå igen?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 280, jul 08 – side 16
Note: På trods af hans modstand mod Irakkrigen er Obama stadigvæk tilhænger af amerikansk imperialisme, skriver Alex Callinicos.
Gary Younge: US elections: Is real change coming?
Socialist Review nr. 327, jul 08 – side 10
Note: Barack Obama has risen from idealistic Democratic outsider to become the first black US presidential candidate of a major party. Gary Younge explores the importance of the Obama phenomenon which has inspired millions, but also the limitations of his political agenda.
Mike Gonzalez: Obama’s ‘backyard’ politics for Latin America are very much like George Bush’s
Socialist Worker nr. 2106, jun 08 – side 9
Note: A few weeks ago US presidential hopeful Barack Obama travelled to Miami to speak to the Cuban American Foundation, a right wing organisation much loved by George Bush. Obama promised to maintain the 50 year old embargo on Cuba. He also used the speech to let the world know that he was not going to go soft on Latin America.
Alex Callinicos: Can the US empire strike back?
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 – side 8
Note: Despite opposing the war, Obama is committed to US imperialism, writes Alex Callinicos.
Anindya Bhattacharyya: How shifting further to the right could scupper the Democrats
Socialist Worker nr. 2105, jun 08 – side 9
Note: Last weekend saw Hillary Clinton finally concede to Barack Obama in the Democratic Party’s contest to choose its presidential candidate.
Paolo Bassi: Debate and Comment: Barack Obama and class
Socialist Worker nr. 2101, maj 08 – side 12
Note: Barack Obama was accused of “elitism” for some of his comments last month, but his real sin was bringing up class, argues Paolo Bassi
Ken Olende: Presidential election: Barack Obama carries only the faintest echo of the civil rights movement
Socialist Worker nr. 2095, apr 08 – side 9
Note: Ken Olende dismisses the claim that Barack Obama is Martin Luther King’s heir
Lance Selfa: USA-valg: Er dette Bush-Reagan-æraens endeligt?
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 277, mar 08 – side 12
Note: Lance Selfa, fra det amerikanske tidsskrift Socialist Review, argumenterer for, hvorfor det amerikanske valg i 2008 potentielt kan blive det samme for Demokraterne, som 1980-valget var det for Republikanerne.
Abbie Bakan: Clinton vs Obama: Racism, sexism and the US elections
Socialist Worker nr. 2092, mar 08 – side 6
Note: Abbie Bakan takes a look at the arguments about oppression that have been thrown up by the Democratic Party’s presidential primaries.
Abbie Bakan: US elections: Barack Obama’s vision won’t see a new America
Socialist Worker nr. 2090, mar 08 – side 9
Note: The remarkable momentum of Barack Obama’s campaign to be the presidential candidate for the Democratic Party is raising the hopes of millions of Americans who have felt marginalised by mainstream politics.
Alex Callinicos: Clintons get nasty in US elections
Socialist Worker nr. 2086, feb 08 – side 4
Note: When does victory really mean defeat? When Barack Obama won the Democratic primary election in South Carolina last Saturday.
Howard Rodman: Whose lines are they anyway?
Socialist Review nr. 322, feb 08 – side 6
Note: Striking screenwriter Howard Rodman spoke to Socialist Review about challenging the studios over royalties from the "new media".
Simon Behrmann: Book Review: The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy
Socialist Review nr. 321, jan 08 – side 23
Note: by John Mearsheimer and Stephen M Walt.
The core of this book originated as an article for the London Review of Books in spring 2006. As a denunciation of the US government's pro-Israeli bias in foreign policy it produced a predictably vicious backlash from the Israel lobby itself which this book seeks to expose.
Mike Davis: California: People burn here
Socialist Review nr. 320, dec 07 – side 16
Note: Fires in California hit the headlines with stories of Arnold Schwarzenegger giving hope to his super-rich friends. But the real victims weren't those who lost a wing of their mansion.
Chris Harman + Martin Smith: Kim Moody interview: The superpower’s shopfloor
International Socialism Journal nr. 115, jul 07 – side 127
Note: Kim Moody is the author of a new book on the American working class: US Labor in Trouble and Transition. He spoke to Martin Smith and Chris Harman about his research
Alex Callinicos: Verden sukkede da Bush blev genvalgt, men: Vi kan slå Bush
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 236, nov 04 – side 6
Note: George W. Bush vandt det amerikanske valg, og kan nu begynde sin anden valgperiode. Alex Callinicos ser her på fremtiden for USA og den amerikanske venstrefløj.
Ralph Nader: USA: Tid til krigsmodstand
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 236, nov 04 – side 7
Note: Den 2. november markerede ikke en afslutning, men en ny begyndelse. Der vil forsat være modstand imod det to-parti system, der dræber enhver form for politisk udtryk i USA.
Michael Albert: USA: Dagen derpå
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 236, nov 04 – side 7
Note: Michael Albert skrev efter det amerikanske valg en længere indlæg på Znet, som en reaktion på de mange desillusionerede kommentarer og reaktioner der var efter valget.
Fakta om det amerikanske valg
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 236, nov 04 – side 7
John Pilger: Bush vs. Kerry: Det falske valg
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 234, okt 04 – side 12
Note: Den 6. maj vedtog Repræsentanternes Hus en bestemmelse der godkendte et ”slå først”-angreb på Iran.
USA set fra neden: “We’re Disgusted With This Man”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 232, sep 04 – side 5
Note: Mere end 500.000 amerikanere demonstrerede 29. august mod Bush og republikanerne i New York.
Alan Maass: USA set fra neden: “I arbejde ... og fattig”
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 230, jun 04 – side 5
Note: Det lyder som en overskrift i Socialistisk Arbejderavis. Men det var forsidehistorien på erhvervsledernes organ “Business Week” i maj måned.
Socialist Worker (USA): USA set fra neden: Kerry eller Bush – to sider af samme sag
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 226, mar 04 – side 5
Note: Her er resultatet af præsidentvalget 2004 – otte måneder før det faktisk finder sted den 2. november: Vinderen støttede den amerikansk ledede krig mod Irak og er tilhænger af fortsat besættelse.
Mike Davis: USA set nedefra: 70.000 arbejdere kæmper for sygesikring og løn
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 223, jan 04 – side 5
Note: Mike Davis rapporterer fra Californien.
Rikke Holm: Ved nærmere eftertanke: Curriculum vitae: George W. Bush
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 222, dec 03 – side 9
Note: I USA vokser modstanden mod præsidenten. Flere og flere amerikanere ønsker Bush fyret.
Jane Hardy: Toil and trouble: the nature of the US economy (Robert Brenner: "The Boom and the Bubble: The US in the World Economy")
International Socialism Journal nr. 98, mar 03 – side 125
Note: Robert Brenner’s latest work on the US economy.
Mike Davis: Voices from the US: Great and glorious days
Socialist Review nr. 262, apr 02 – side 22
Note: George W nearly as popular as Abe Lincoln? Mike Davis looks at the strange twists of the US political scene
Michael Moore: Voices from the US: It's the government, stupid (Mike Moore book signing tour)
Socialist Review nr. 262, apr 02 – side 24
Peter Iversen: Kommentar: Enron: Når kapitalismen er værst
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 201, feb 02 – side 6
Note: Somme tider knækker kapitalismens facade og stanken vælter ud. Sådan er det med Enron-skandalen i USA, der ikke ser ud til at have nogen ende.
Margit Johansen: Boblerne brister: Enrons konkurs ryster kapitalismen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 199, dec 01 – side 4
Note: “Et af de mest succesfulde selskaber i verden overhovedet.” Sådan beskrev tidskriftet The Economist det multinationale energiselskab Enron.
K Nielsen: Dødsguvernøren Bush – USAs præsident
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 189, jan 01 – side 4
Note: Endelig er den store amerikanske sæbeopera, om hvem der skulle være præsident, slut.
Jakob Hansen: Efter det amerikanske valg: Råddenskab
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 188, dec 00 – side 4
Note: De seneste uger efter det amerikanske præsidentvalg har virkelig vist hvilken råddenskab, der gennemsyrer det etablerede amerikanske samfund.
Frank Antonsen + Christina Munk: Præsidentvalget i USA: Venstrefløjen fik afgørende betydning
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 187, nov 00 – side 4
Note: Præsidentvalget i USA var anderledes i år, end det har været tidligere.
Selvom valget ikke er afholdt ved redaktionens slutning tør vi allerede nu fastslå, at venstrefløjen i USA fik afgørende betydning på valget.
Jesper Høi Kanne: USA: Antikapitalisme på dagsordenen
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 184, aug 00 – side 4
Note: Stemningsskiftet i USA mod venstre ses ikke kun ved de anti-kapitalistiske protester i Seattle og Washington. En kendt forsvarer af forbrugerrettigheder, Ralph Nader, stiller op til præsidentvalget for det Grønne Parti.
USA: Arbejderne viser styrke
Socialistisk Revy nr. 6, aug 98 – side 4
Note: “USA minder måske endnu ikke om Frankrig, som hvert eller hvert andet år lammes af en strejke, men pludselig er de amerikanske fagforeninger gået på gaden på en måde, der ikke er set i årtier.” – New York Times
Sharon Smith: USA på vrangen: Grønt lys for gramserne
Socialistisk Revy nr. 5, jun 98 – side 16
Note: De fleste åndede lettet op, da Paula Jones' sexanklager mod Bill Clinton i sidste måned blev afvist af retten. Amerikanerne havde hurtigt nået mætningspunktet med mediernes utrættelige besættelse af de malende detaljer omkring Clintons seksuelle eskapader. -- Men afvisningen af Paula Jones' sag om seksuelle overgreb, gav en stor sejr til alle sexistiske chefer.
Sharon Smith: USA på vrangen: Caterpillars klapjagt
Socialistisk Revy nr. 4, maj 98 – side 26
Note: Den 22. marts besluttede 12.500 medlemmer af fagforeningen UAW (United Auto Workers) ansat på Caterpillar, et multinationalt selskab, der fabrikerer gravredskaber, at afslutte den længste arbejdskamp i USA's historie.
Sharon Smith: Fra Guds eget land: Den herskende klasse på hævntogt
Socialistisk Revy nr. 1, feb 98 – side 10
Note: Teamster-strejken sidste sommer blandt medarbejderne i det store amerikanske postfirma UPS, betød ikke alene amerikanske arbejderes sejr for for første gang i 25 år. Den indvarslede også arbejderbevægelsens genopståen. I september afskaffede det største forbund i USA, AFL-CIO endelig sit forbud mod kommunisters organiserering indenfor fagforeningerne. Dette forbud har hæmmet millitante arbejdere lige siden McCarthys hekseprocesser mod kommunisterne i 1950´erne.
UPS: Sejr til amerikanske arbejdere
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 165, aug 97 – side 3
Note: United Parcel Service-arbejdernes sejr i USA viser, at arbejderne ikke finder sig i mere, og at overklassen har grund til at være nervøs.
USA: Den vigtigste strejke i ti år (UPS)
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 164, aug 97 – side 3
Note: En massiv strejke i United Parcel Service rejser direkte spørgsmålet om profit eller arbejdsforhold. En sejr kan betyde et brud med tyve års aggressiv arbejdsgiverpolitik.
Gitte Dion Pedersen: USA: Budgetkrig slagter de fattige
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 126, jan 96 – side 3
Note: Slagsmålet om USAs statsbudget handler om én ting: Hvor mange milliarder de rige vil stjæle fra de fattige.
Phil Gasper: Cruel and unusual punishment: the politics of crime in the United States
International Socialism Journal nr. 66, mar 95 – side 55
Note: Law and order have been the watchwords of the right in the industrialised countries for a generation. Social Democratic and labour parties seem to have accepted the right's terms of debate-just at the moment when the United States is experiencing a catastrophic failure in law enforcement. American socialist Phil Gasper provides a devastating expose.
Jan Hoby: USAs krig mod de fattige
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 112, feb 95 – side 7
Note: En højrebølge ruller frem i USA. Den er blevet døbt Den Republikanske Revolution. Men samtidig vokser modstanden.
Ulla Nielsen: USA: Højreskred
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 111, jan 95 – side 6
Note: USA er på vej mod højre, hedder det i medierne i disse dage. Sandt er det, at begge kongressens kamre efter det sidste valg for første gang i mange mange år har republikansk flertal.
Jan Hoby: USA: Fører krig mod fattige
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 107, sep 94 – side 6
Note: Bill Clintons meget omtalte “krig mod kriminalitet” er i virkeligheden en krig mod de fattige.
Jan Hoby: Clintons krig mod de fattige
Socialistisk Arbejderavis nr. 107, sep 94 – side 11
Note: Clintons politik har været angreb på fattige og arbejderes rettigheder. Men tusinder af arbejdere i strejke giver håb om forandring.
Anne Mette Ougaard: "This land was made for you and me" (USA efter Los Angeles-oprøret)
International Socialisme nr. 2, jun 92 – side 7
Note: For mindre end 3 år siden fejrede de vestlige regeringer med USA i spidsen markedsøkonomien og den vestlige kapitalismes sejr over "kommunismen" og "socialismen". De østeuropæiske regimer blev knust af folkets oprør mod manglende demokratiske rettigheder, mod uretfærdigheder og økonomisk elendighed. I slutningen af april i år fik Bush-administrationen den samme kraft at føle uden for deres egne vinduer, som sendte den bureaukratiske klasse i Øst væk fra den politiske magt. De fattige og sultne i USA's storbyer ville ikke længere finde sig i racistisk og økonomisk undertrykkelse.
Sharon Smith: Twilight of the American Dream
International Socialism Journal nr. 54, mar 92 – side 3
Note: American workers once dreamt that every generation would see its children grow up more prosperous, better housed, better educated and healthier than those who went before. Now that dream lies in ruins as the US economy pitches into a recession so deep that many are comparing it to the Depression of the 1930s.
Sharon Smith of the American International Socialist Organisation examines the social crisis in the US-the poverty and sinking wages, the inner city decay and the inadequate health service, the racism and the attack on the labour movement. `Twilight of the American Dream' shows how class is re-entering the vocabulary of US politics as George Bush, only a year ago the hero of the Gulf War, sees his presidency begin to unravel.

Der blev fundet 121 artikler


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